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p EACE MAY not absolutely be within sight, but no one can deny that it is appreciably nearer or that the position has...
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Higher Costs will be no Bar to the Development of Motor Transport. T HERE WERE a good many plain and simple truths in the...
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F ROM TIME TO TIME there have been quite active controversies as to whether the work of the A.S.C., M.T., is really such as to...
That hit or miss usually results in hit and miss. Of something with no top to it—the cost of living. That everybody's business...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transpOrt at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Paris, 2nd October.—According to - information received from a very reliable source, an agreement was signed yesterday whereby...
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Yellow English. Safety First for Wounded Heroes. Useful. New Maps. J UST AT THE TIME when considerable discussion is taking...
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A Rejoinder to the Statements. Concerning the Government's Attitude. By the Editor of "Oil News." I N Tax Comitentr, MOTOR of...
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An Important Proposal for Dealing with Derelict Cannel Coals in Nottinghamshire. I ORD COWDRAY'S SCHEME for tapping the...
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To those acquainted with the construction of the well-known Olson one-ton converting unit, the new home-built model will come...
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The Commencement of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Movement Recalled. The Part Played by the Motorbus in the Development of the...
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Some Remarks on the Subject of Potentially Useful Traffic Units, -the Legal Status of which is at Present Doubtful. S OME OF...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of" the Ford") W ITH REGARD TO spanners and wrenches, never use an adjustable spanner...
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Ths Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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A PRIZE 0P 1 TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page all others are...
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A Sentinel Wagon Detail. Patent No. 118,202, by S. E. Alley, of the well-known firm of Alley and McLellan, Ltd., is a...