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F OR the past 15 years, the public has been enjoying Risk of Sabotage by Aggrieved the luxury of fluid transMaintenance...
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B RITAIN is all out to promote its trade overseas, both in the Empire and in foreign countries. To achieve targets which in...
Rootes Group Makes A RECENT speech by Sir Progress with " William Rootes contains Rationalization . . some particularly...
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(a) Reclassification of vehicle steps in connection with wages, the object being to place the whole country on the same basis....
now being produced in .a series, incorporating the new A.E.C. 9,6-litre direct-injection oil engine. Designated the Matddor...
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Spreaders IN a novel case concerned with the I licensing of vehicles for spreading fertilizers, the Appeal Tribunal has found...
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MR. W. S. HAMMOND, general manager of the Northern Pump and Equipment Co., Ltd„ has left for the Middle East on a business...
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vehicle sold I at the fourth auction sale of Government surplus vehicles, which concluded at Byram Park, Brotherton, West...
Transport News NO EXTENSION OF WORKMEN'S FARES TO COVER STAGGERING EE XTENSION of the availability of workmen's tickets to...
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I.F.S. and O.H.V. D ESIGNED to supersede eventually the present 8 h.p. and 10 h.p. types, a new Austin 10-cwt. van, the A.40,...
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for To-morrow Institute of Transport Presidential Address Points to Dangers of Overcentralized Transport Under State Control...
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on to His Feet The Conclusion of a Series of Three Articles, in which the Elements of Costing are Explained to an...
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C AREFUL attention to N.-• functional design is seen in a new ambulance, based on a Commer 25-cwt. forward-control chassis,...
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Are All in The Day's Work for an Enterprising London Haulage Company Which is a Member of " Artco." By J. D. McLintock S...
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Kaiser Six-wheeled Articulated Vehicle with 275 b.h.p. Supercharged Oil Engine, Seats 40 Passengers as a Coach or 63 as a Bus....
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the Kaiser coach has a remarkable performance. Power is supplied by a Cummins 275 b.h.p, engine, which makes easy work of...
from any shop air line or compressor, has been introduced by the Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Redditch. It weighs 20 oz., and...
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Designed to Operate at High Speed Under Arduous Overseas Conditions, the Crossley Export Single-decker Chassis, Incorporating a...
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Research Saves Lives and Money. D.S.I.R. Plans for Promoting Safety on the Roads. Official Accident Statistics Criticized as...
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Carried by Road by a Big American Concern Specializing in Prefabrication I N these days of housing shortages, not only in this...
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Modern Oil Engine— Told by Mr. S. Markland and Mr. N. Tattersall, of Leyland Motors, Ltd., in a Paper to the Institution of...
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A T the invitation of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, a party of over 40 road operators from Sweden, members of that...
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M ANY matters which are likely, in the future, to affect the commercial vehicle industry are embodied in the Final Report of...