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R OAD transport in all its aspects never had a greater need than at present for effective public relations. It is embroiled in...
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such as the Commercial Motor Show, it is always of interest to learn of reactions to it on the part of the people who are...
Models at the Show S OME Show exhibitors, endeavouring to follow the policy of certain advertisers, like to use up every...
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That one thing true Britons would like to see nationalized is patriotism. That "Every man for himself and devil take his...
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A FTER. three months, the Road Haulage Association has broken 1– x silence on the Transport Bill. A short announcement issued...
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MR. J. M. D. Scan has been appointed assistant traffic manager of the Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd. He was formerly with the...
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vOLLOWING the order for 100 I A.E.C. Regal Mk. III buses received in November, 1950, A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., has received a repeat...
'OR the first time, British Road I Services has joined with the Metropolitan and South Eastern Area of the Road Haulage...
A T the annual luncheon of the Public Transport Association, in London, last Friday, Viscount Swinton, G.B.E., C.H., MC.,...
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S TATING that although the concern would have liked to have asked for a decrease in fares, rather than an increase, Mr. D....
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Descriptions of More New Items of Transport Service Equipment Shown at Earls Court Are Given in this Article, Which is...
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says E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. "Do Nothing that is likely to Embarrass the Government at Zero Hour. . . . Unrest in the Ranks...
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O N September 18 I listened to a Midland broadcast debate on the denationalization of road transport and although I cannot...
WAS interested to read in your issue dated Septem ber 5, the paragraph on hot-spray painting. I think that you may be...
mosT emphatically do I agree with your correspon"I dent who criticizes the design of some of the modern coaches and buses. My...
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T OUR article, headed "What I want in Delivery Vans . " in your issue dated September 19, prompts me to write in hearty...
ik A AY I offer my congratulations upon your leading marticIe of September 12, entitled "Who is the Highwayman? " It is most...
I N a gearbox produced by Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen A.G., Fricdrichshafen, Lake Constance, and shortly to be sold in...
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the exhibition of their products is proving a costly experiment with little opportunity of furthering sales in France or its...
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"The More Adventurous Kind of Automobile Engineering Development is Still Vital to Progress," Says Mr. Maurice Platt " A...
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U SES of plastics in transport s‘ere described to delegates at the annual conference of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport...
Next year's Royal Show will be held at Blackpool from July 7-10. Two Cranes Z-bogies (" The Commercial Motor." October 3) are...
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W HEN the road hauliers get together at Blackpool next week, the chief subject of conversation is bound to be the Transport...
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Rospa Director-general Analyses Statistics and Reports Improved Safety Position to Congress T HE average individual has about...
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How an Operator in Christchurch, New Zealand, Obtains Full Employment for his Fleet of 45-50 Passenger Vehicles with No...
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"A Nimproved tailboard or loading ramp is described in patent No. 677,735, by J. S. Robson, Ltd., Durham .Road Coachworks,...