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There is much evidence available that the business of motor hiring is better understood to-day than was the ease a few years...
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Alfred Herbert, Ltd., of Coventry and London, introduce New Models to Meet the Latest Requirements of Motor Manufacturers. The...
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The most ardent supporters of motor transpol :se ready Iii admit the difficulties of short-distance haulage. Where, loads have...
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The Russian Market. French makers are reminded by the Press that Russia offers a wide field for the sale of tammtercial motor...
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London's New Order. Fiftymore Straker-Squire motorbuses of the latest pattern have been ordered by the Great Eastern London...
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This journal has a genuine circulation, genuine advertisement support, and an Editorial staff whose members have practical...
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Walker Brothers, Limited, of Wigan, continues making. the " Pagetield " wagon, and is supplying some locally. A large...
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General Scheme of the Commercial Vehicle Parade and Prize Scheme for Drivers in Connection Therewith. We heye received the...
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In his presidential address, given on Thursday last before the engineering section of the British Association at its meeting at...
The first report of the Committee, consisting of Sir IV. H. Preece (Chairman), Mr. Dugald Clerk and Professor Bertram Hopkinson...
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"Chain Makers at Play." The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—With reference to the paragraph headed " Chain makers at...
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The adjoining illustration shows a Bussing " gas engine " which was recently delivered to the Brunswick Corporation for the...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words or anything else published. Driven...
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DRIVING AXLES. —Ridley. —No. 28,352, dated 24th December, 1907.—According to this invention, the rear axle (A) consists of a...