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O NE of the main topics Negotiated Deal of conversation to-day amongst hauliers, and Delay Acouisiti what is probably uppermost...
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HERE is little doubt that during the past few months we have been closer than is comfortable to a position which might have led...
Moquette and Leather qomE of the buses now Combination for Bus " being built in Holland by Seating the Verheul concern have an...
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Hears— That the novelty of the five-day week is wearing oil That nearly 9,000,000 more people a week use London Transpoct now,...
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WEIGHT CONCESSION FOR TRAILERS IS LIKELY n FFICIAL confirmation is now available of the report, published in "The Commercial...
be Reorganized rHANGES in the administration and structure of the A.E.C. group, which includes Crossley Motors, Ltd., and the...
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IT behalf of the opposition, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority refused, last week, to sanction York Corporation's proposal to...
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director of the National Gas Turbine Establishment of the Ministry of Supply. He succeeds DR. ROXREE COX. MR. H. W. BAKER,...
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r 0 interesting and useful types of c i ommercial vehicle have been developed by the .Austin Motor Co., Ltd., using the...
INFORMATION has _reached us con" cerning the following additional concerns giving special service for commercial vehicles:— The...
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How a Cornish Operator with a Mixed Fleet Ensures Efficient Maintenance and Keeps a Curb on Costs I N an ariicle which...
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Says L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. B RISK performance and exceptionally smooth suspension were outstanding features noted during the...
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about the performances of the normal types of brake assembly under a wide variety of conditions, and yet there have been many...
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By H. SCOTT HALL M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T.E. S EA sand is being removed from some beaches at the rate of 200 tons per day, but it...
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T HE standard engine for a new British design of excavator, the Smith 21, is the Leyland 7.4-litre oil engine, with certain...
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T HIS week " The Commercial Motor ' is able to describe in detail a new Guy bus chassis, the first of which are being supplied...
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A NEW type of aircraft-refuelling tanker, based on a Leyland Steer 155/1 chassis with twin steering axles and 125 b.h.p. oil...
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By C. S. Dunbar M.Inst.T. Dispersal of Industry and Promotion of Agriculture Depend on Provision of Efficient Road Transport....
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Civic Week Exhibition Stresses Importance of Transport System A CTIVITIES of the transport department played a prominent part...
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WITH the object of providing enter tainment and instruction for its employees in remote overseas locations, the Shell Petroleum...
N AMES of the nine members who will constitute the £10,000,000 Ulster Transport Authority, under ,the chairmanship of Major F....
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Also 30-cwt. Van of 330 cubic ft Capacity T O new models of electric vehicle have been developed by Northern Coachbuilders,...
MIANY Dennis F.2 fire-engine chassis have IVI already been delivered to overseas customers, but the accompanying illustration...
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A Power Take-off For Tractors T HE design of a power take-off for tractors is complicated by the fact that the tractor may be...