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T HE new Pedestrian Crossings Regulations came into force on July I, and all over the country workmen might have been observed...
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D ELEGATES to the annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association, this week, listened to some plain...
International Touring in Europe N EGOTIATIONS with various European governments under the auspices of the Inland Transport...
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Of high tidings at Southend-on-Sea. Of many who think that a haulage business should be as large as the demands on it...
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A QUESTION of principle, described as vital to operators of " stage-carriage services all over the country, was posed before...
Motor" will be greatly enlarged to deal with the Commercial Motor Show, to be held at Earls Court from September 24-October 2....
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M INOR bodywork alterations have been effected on two MorrisCommercial delivery vans, which will be seen at Earls Court this...
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A N application for an adjustment in pay scales for British Road Services' maintenance and repair workers has been submitted by...
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" T O allow anyone to get on a bus at traffic lights in a busy area would be a shocking disgrace, and such a practice would be...
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V tsibility the First Safety Requirement THE most important safety require' ment in a vehicle is all-round visibility in all...
F OLLOWING the -withdrawal of th " last objection, the West Midlan Licensing Authority has completed h; hearing of Dudley...
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published on Wednesday by the British Transport Commission, ;:ornprises 151 units and 928 vehicles. Units without premises...
maricE to quit the Welshpool depot I N by September 24 has been served upon British Road Services by the land lord, Mr. Glyn...
EXT Tuesday Mr. Hugh Molson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, is to receive a deputation from the...
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WHETHER British Road , Services VT caused one of their vehicles to emit excessive smoke was 'at issue .before Penrith...
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A PLASTIC which, it is claimed, has never before been used in goodsvehicle bodywork will be employed in a 600-cu.-ft. van body...
New Features to Improve Reliability : 30-cwt. Model to be Shown for First Time A T the Commercial Motor Show, Vauxhall Motors,...
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A SMALL and quite simple, but highly significant component is announced today by . Albion Motors, Ltd., Glasgow, and will be...
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N addition to models from the new Goliath range, two other vehicles on le stand of Guy Motors, Ltd., will be iaking a first...
A PART from introducing the Nubian 6 x 6 cross-country vehicle, which was briefly described in last week's issue of The...
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S EV E RAL design improvements have been incorporated in the range of E.R.F. vehicles to be exhibited at Earls Court this...
A HEAVY-DUTY six-wheeler with I — I single-drive rear bogie is expected to be exhibited by Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., in the...
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J NE of the principal items of interest on the Foden stand at the Commercial Motor Show his year wilt be the 12-cylindered...
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8 1 , 1 -tonner I NTEGRAL, all-aluminium construction, an unladen weight of under 3 tons and a horizontal oil engine mounted...
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by Our Legal Adviser I T was reported in The Commercial Motor of August 6 that judgment for £122 had been given against the...
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B 44 LOGOS had a nightmare the other week," said Maggie's brother Cromwell. "H dreamt that every tender he had put in for a...
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LEADERSHIP T HE National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry came under heavy fire on Wednesday...
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A SIMPLE and ingenious system for the discharge of fine powders carried in bulk has been designed and prOduced by the...
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Rally . I IGHEST marks in the Portsmouth Commercial Vehicle Rally, last Saturday, went to J. DagweIl, lose handling of a Thames...
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nESIGNED to conform with the pro posed new Construction and Use Regulations relating to heavy goods vehicles, a new Scammell...
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S OME bus companies are getting into the habit of running 30-ft. underfloor-engined .buses on single rear tyres. This may or...
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A PROMINENT London operator of contract vehicles told The Commercial Motor, last week, of difficulties that he met in...
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INTEGRAL construction has been applied to a series 1 of 12-seat crew cars under construction for B.O.A,C, by Thomas Harrington,...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Deals With Inquiries from • Readers Who are Concerned Over the Incidence of Rate-cutting...
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DATENT No. 712,780 shows a combined valve assembly which performs the dual function of inlet and exhaust valves. The aim is to...