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A SCANDAL of the first magnitude was revealed in the Divisional Court, last week, when Mr. Justice Vaisey dismissed petitions...
Vitamins for Motor Oils THE word " additive " threatens to become the most 'overworked in the garageman's vocabulary. Garage...
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That those who let Britain down would go down with her. That carburation " experts " should benefit by the new fuel tax. that...
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MR. J. S. MACLAY, Minister of Transport, said in the House of " 1 Commons, on Monday, that he hoped shortly after the Easter...
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A P . UBL1C outcry has, greeted the news, .published in "The Commercial Motor" last week, that the Minister of Transport has...
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A DISPUTE over an agreement to PI secure the transfer Of an A licence gave rise to an action before Mr. Justice Finnemore in...
MR. N. H. &LIFE has been elected chairman of the Sheffield branch of the Industrial Transport Association. The new...
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the Chat' font area because of building work at Hemel Hempstead. was referred to before the Transport [Appea]] Tribunal on...
A FORMER Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, Mr. James Callaghan (Lab.), severely criticized the higher fuel...
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applications for .1-/higher fares heard by the Licensing Authorities in the past week, it has been several times indicated that...
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WE consider this application so IT vitally important that my directors felt I should come and support it," Mr. G. C. Sewell,...
" VOUR figures of vehicle availability I do not help me at all," commented Mr. S. W. Nelson, Northern Licensing Authority, at...
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D ELIVERIES are now commencing of a new series of Bedford coaches and buses with bodywork by Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., The...
L AST year, the Ford Motor Co., La Ltd., produced 171,000 vehicles, of which 125,000 were exported. About 80 per cent. of the...
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Radical Changes in the Country's Pattern of Internal Transport Should Follow the Construction of a Network of Roads Especially...
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IN future, British operators of ConItinental coach tours will not be allowed to garage their coaches at Calais, Boulogne or...
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A Careful Investigati Procedure Follow& Fleet Owners Shows Commendable Ito the Maintenance. a Number of Big erence to a Pattern...
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Equal to What? By JANUS A LL men are equal before the Ivory Tower. This was the theme of Lord Hurcornb's recent address to...
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Modern Society Abounds with Restrictive Practices, Some of Them Created by Parliament for the Public Protection, but Those...
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No Reward for Enterprise A S a coach operator, I am always interested in the results of appeals, especially as I appealed...
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A Practical Approach to the Design of Passenger Chassis Intended for Long-Distance Operation on Routes Embracing Alpine Passes...
INTERVIEWED by "The ComImercial Motor" in London, last week, where he had been meeting Scottish Members of Parliament, Mr. N....
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The Law Covering the Responsibility of an Innkeeper for the Safety of his Guests' Property is Explained By a Barrister W HAT...
DROSPECTIVE buyers at home and overseas will find' "The British Commercial Vehicle Industry" an invaluable guide to the...
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A HYDRAULIC brake in 1 - 1 which the manual effort is amplified by a vacuum servomotor is described in patent No. 666.364, by...