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F ROM numerous inquiries that we have received concerning the administration of the report of the National Joint Conciliation...
industry has been caused by the extension of the limitation of duplication. The Minister of Transport has applied to a number...
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E LSEWHERE in this issue we give a brief résumé of certain important sections of the law concerning the operation of goods...
A N Internal-combustion Engine. Group has been formed by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. This will deal especially...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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We reproduce on this page two pictures of an interesting type of Crane eight-wheeled trailer, equipped with a Principality body...
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Charged with disclosing confidential information given to him in his capacity as a temporary clerk on the staff of the North...
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The writer committee of Manchester Corporation is buying an Albion 3-ton tipping lorry. Scarborough Watch Committee recommends...
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(IN Monday last the Appeal Tribunal 'L./ adopted the unusual procedure of, allowing its decision on the appeal of Mr. J....
p ENDING final agreement on the grading of areas for wages purposes, in pursuance of the findings of the National Joint...
A LTHOUGH the Great Southern ..and Great Northern Railways (Ireland) have applied to the Irish Free State Minister for Industry...
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WHAT is believed to be the VV first vehicle of its kind in the country—a 2,500-gallon tank wagon for the transport of...
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T HE following résumé of some of the most important sections of the law concerning the operation of goods vehicles is...
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S INCE the first Regulations on the keeping of records for goods vehicles came into force on October 1, the Minister has...
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THE HINGED. SIDED LORRY T IIE hinged-sided lorry is usea for carrying so many classes of goods that it has for many years been...
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7 IGHT-WHEELED OILER T HE subject of our road test this week is a machine of more than ordinary interest, for, besides being of...
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IMPORTANT AIR-TRANSPORT CONFERENCE. S OIVIE 250 representatives of British ).-)air-transport operators, municipalities, and...
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Mr. F. J. Field, Chief Engineer of Ferodo, Ltd., Draws Attention to Certain Interesting Facts That Have Been Revealed by Recent...
MILICH labour is often expended unIVInecessarily in dismantling and assembling back axles, when in position on a vehicle,...
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D EFERENCE t o what was alleged to a " misconceived" . decision by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners was made, at...
A S forecast in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, the prohibition imposed by the South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners...
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A S a result of the g rantin g of licences by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners be York Corporation and the West Yorkshire...
T HE Irish Free State bus statistics for November last show a further increase in traffic on wholly internal services and a...
S EVERAL appeals have, durin g the past week, been decided by the 'Minister of Transport. He has dismissed, with costs, the...
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A SPECIAL general meeting of the Booking Agents Association of Great Britain, Ltd., will be held at Andertons Hotel, Fleet...
A Nagreement has been reached with regard to the protracted wage dispute between the Dublin United Tramways Co., Ltd., and...
buses for the Ottawa Electric Railway Co. The bodies, made entirely of lightweight steel, were built by Short Bros. (Rochester...
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UNTIL recently practically the only 'kJ method employed for welding aluminium castings was that involving the use of the...
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T HE volume of retail sales in the country is always a positive indication of the state of trade. It is, therefore, of interest...
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certain criticisms of the somewhat comprehensive list of 38 items of operating cost set out in the previous article. I have...
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A N unusual form of engine construction is disclosed in patent No. 419,948, which shows a method of building . up from sheet...