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W HAT is the general view of commercialvehicle drivers on the Government's plan for nationalizing the haulage industry? We have...
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T HERE is a new Highway Code in preparation, but it is not likely to be published before the late spring or early summer. In...
Press - die Costs Being nNE of the most expensive Cheapened by Using forms of equipment in pro Castings duction is dies for...
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Of a cure for slapping—behave yourself! Of busy times in London Transport's repairs department. Some people saying that we...
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PROMINENT TRUST'S NEW TRANSPORT ACQUISITIONS MEGOTIATIONS have been com £ pleted for an extension of the road transport...
L./intention to nationalize inland transport, a resolution from the Road Transport Section of Leeds Chamber of Commerce states:...
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proof of the 'relative strength of fusion-welded joints and those formed by the use of Sifbronze welding rod, Suffolk Iron...
A MEETING of protest against the proposed nationalization of road transport was held last Friday in the Corn Exchange,...
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interesting organizations inaugurated under the Legis of the Nuffield Provident Guarantee Fund is the Central Provident...
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TRANSPORT companies and organi zations in Scotland are to be asked to assist in the "Come to Scotland." campaign. In this...
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MR. WILLIAM WALLACE has been appointed managing director of Dodge Brothers (Britain). Ltd., and we extend to him our warmest...
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University Centre's Bus Fleet M ANY people in the passenger road transport industry hold the view that if a bus undertaking be...
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I N a recent discussion with the manager of the transport department of a large company, the inevitable subject of "...
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W F. have already pointed out, when dealing with pay-as-you-board" vehicles put on the road by London Transport, that the Board...
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GOVERNMENT COMPENSATION FOR DISPLACED TRANSPORT STAFF? YOUR leader, "Nationalization Spells Ruin," applies principally to...
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A "Wdevice that • enables vehicles to negotiate difficult country was demonstrated last week at St. Albans, Hens. Known as the...
MRH. G. STARLET, F.I.M.1., director of the Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd„Feltham, was announced in our issue of last week as...
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Criticism of the R.H.A. Rates Schedule A READER living in Belfast has written to me concerning the article which I wrote for...
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A PUMPING device which will, at suitable intervals, expel a charge of lubricant into a chassis lubricating system, forms the...