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I F Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport, had wished deliberately to exacerbate the outraged feelings of goods-vehicle...
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A LTHOUGH traders have shown marked reluctance, to transfer their traffic from road to rail, even during the present emergency,...
Seeing is Believing—in Buses A N amusing incident concerning the return of petrol rationing was recently brought to light by...
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Someone saying that if traffic increases at the present rate our existing by-passes will need to be by-passed. That the...
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Deputations from R.H.A., N.C.R.T.C.H. and T.R.T.A. Explain Fuel Rationing Problems P RESSURE on the Minister of Transport to...
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A DELEGATE conference•representri ing London's 53,000 bus workers. on Tuesday, accepted an improved offer by the London...
A, CCORDING to a report from rA Australia, the use of exhaust obturator brakes increases cylinder-bore wear and an operator in...
h/TANY long-distance hauliers in the north-west were by Tuesday down to two or three days' fuel supplies. It is estimated that...
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M. CLIFFORD H. INKSTF.R has been appointed sales manager of Percy Lane, Ltd. MR. A. W. NEWRERY has been elected a director of...
'WAVING attained the age of 80, I I Mr. C. B. Nixon, chairman of the Leyland Group, considers that he should retire from that...
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A PPLICANTS who said that they had purchased an unroadworthy vehicle to obtain the special A licence attached to it, were...
ni ID the Transport Tribunal's decision that an application for extra vehicles to do work performed by another haulier should...
T HE Road Passenger . and Transport Association are to press a "certain company" to raise their fares on coach services between...
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Torrent of Grim Reports from All Over Britain Mocks Government Optimism 'THE hardship stage of fuel rationing had been reached...
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F ARE increases expected to yield £40,908 a year have been granted to the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd., by the South...
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IF the rationing scheme were going to plan, the soundness of the plan could be doubted. Hauliers were prepared to face the...
rO-ORD1NATION of road and rail facilities to save fuel during the emergency is being worked out on a nation-wide scale by...
INTERWORKING between hauliers I will receive a fillip from the publication by the Road Haulage Association, this week, of their...
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A STRONG at tack on Sheffield Corporation's tram conversion policy was made before the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, at...
rA A FURTHER substantial increase in the prices of fuel is expected to be made soon by the oil companies. The rise is...
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yiuumN Mr. H. Bell, Halifax, applied V , to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week to add three vehicles to his A...
Pollard in London: Pollard Bearings, Ltd., have opened a new London office at 44 Hertford Street, London, W.1. Railway...
" A FTER making full allowance for the seller's market which prevailed during most of the post-war period, the British Oxygen...
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By Lawrence Edgar, M.C. B RITAIN'S giant strides ahead of all other nations in the development of commercial nuclear power...
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A SPECIAL semi-trailer designed for transporting sheets of concretereinforcing wire mesh 30 ft. long and 12 ft. wide, has been...
flood-control and power project is in progress on the 155-mile long Durance river at Serre Poncon Gorge, France. Part of the...
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Coaches ? t a res i tedt1 Small Operators May Be at Mercy of Big Companies Under Proposed Ration Plan IF rationing continues...
THE North Western Tra ffi c Commis' sioners upheld a submission of "no case" on behalf of the objectors when. at Manchester...
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Edinburgh is the subject of this week's article of the series describing public transport developments in Scotland's four...
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DEFRIGERATED vans to carry perishable 1N. foods imported into the Gold Coast have been shipped to that country by Albion...
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Builders' Merchants Use Al! Types a Licence to Serve Customers Over a Wide and Pension Schemes for Stc By S. Buckley,...
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I WAS sorry to see from your report on a paper read to The Institute of Road Transport Engineers, which appeared in your...
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Political Commentary By JANUS S YMPATHY with British Road Services in their time of affliction was largely wasted. They have...
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I NVESTIGATIONS by The Commercial Motor into the supply position of petrol and dery in several European and Scandinavian...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk I T is a pity that Mr. W. P. James, West Midland Re g ional Transport Commissioner, could not...
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If an Inquirer Gives Only Meagre Information When Seeking Advice About Charges, It Is Impossible to Reckon Exact Data A READER...
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I N very hot weather it is by no means uncommon for a petrol-driven vehicle to be brought to a stop by vapour bubbles forming...