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W E HAVE ALREADY, in these columns, dealt with the views of the departmental committee, appeinted by the Board of Trade to...
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Further reports of chain success. That the word Bosch iseofficially 'anathema. That the Indian way to hang ullb, horseshoe is...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever _points arising;• as a carriage as by the...
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A Few Notes Designed to Assist the Heavy Motor User in a Decision on this Point. A NY OBSERVANT PERSON will have noticed that...
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Conclusion of a Thirteen Days' Hearing of an Important Case. Arguments of Council. Judgment Reserved. 0 HE IMPORTANT CASE of...
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T HE LIBERTY TRUCK, about which we heard a . great deal of. rather wild newspaper talk from across the Atlantic but a - ship -...
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. A Description of Some of A LTHOUGH much has been written from time to ' tithe, chiefly on your " Drivers, Mechanics, and...
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A New Subsoiling Plough. The Fordson Freedom. A LTHOUGH it has. not yet been applied to a tractor plough—that will follow, no...
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No Commer Car Agrimotor, The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1610] Sir,—Regarding the detailed article in your issue of 20th...
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By "The Inspector." I T IS VERY SELDOM that I can be tempted to trust myself behind a horse, even if the man at the helm has...
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Gas Firing of Steam Wagon Boilers. The extreme wastefulness in. the present systems of extracting the hat, from coal.i - s...
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A New Scheme Outlined and Criticised. S OME DECIDEDLY INTERESTING proposals upon the subject; of .!` Work for the Returned...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publi6h on this page ; all others are...
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An Ingenious Differential-less Driving Axle. • • An ingenious contrivance which has for its object the elimination of the...