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S OME operators and engineers who are fami liar with the vehicles produced in other countries are surprised at the essential...
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Flaw Detection By Magnetic Ink ONE of the most popular methods of detecting flaws in iron and steel parts, provided that these...
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R.H.E. Assets to be Sold : B.T.C. May Run Haulage Companies : P.S.V. Operators Free THE long-awaited Transport Bill was...
rOMPLATNTS of the facilities pro vided in Oxford by City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., culminated on Tuesday in a public...
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Haulage Business COMPENSATION paid to the Barr organization for the nationalization of its haulage undertaking has been...
V iALUABLE savings in operating V cbsts have been made by the London Transport Executive as a result of research into bus...
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MR. GUY LAWSON has joined the sales staff of Triplex (Northern), Ltd. MR. F. J. LLOYD has been appointed assistant staff...
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A N inequitable position in passenger transport licensing is mentioned in the annual report of the national council of the...
• R EP RESENTATIONS have continued to be made to the Road Haulage Executive for the widest possible grant of ordinary permits,...
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A PPLICATION has now been made by Blackpool Corporation for permission to vary fare tables to provide, among other things, for...
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T HE high labour costs involved in local deliveries throughout Canada have led Smith's Electric Vehicles, Ltd.,...
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A FTER an interval of two months, during which no appeal decisions have been given by the Minister of Transport, seven eases...
chic I e manufacturers from Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland and Spain recently visited the • works of...
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Mechanical handling Methods Fully Exploited in a Building Specially Designed for Them : Total. Capacity 2,000 Tons D ESIGNED...
Douglas Unit with Commer Engine Capable of Over 55 m.p.h. A FORWARD -CONTROL four ITt fire tender with single lyres at the...
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By A. E. Sheriock-Mesher A GOOD example of decentralization in ancillary operation is to be found in the fleet of 80 vehicles...
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WilTH the same general chassis YV specification as the Type 12,00 uoods vehicle, the new Bussing threeaxled underfloor-engined...
"A LMOST the whole of the indus 1 - 1. trial area served by the company's stage-carriage services is, to a large degree,...
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nowadays, it seems to be necessary to turn to a formula expressed in the Words: "In America they do such and such," or: "On the...
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but Sturdy 5-tonner By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. M Y impression of the Austin Series II long-wheelbase 5-tonner after a...
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HYLAND Comet 350 oil engines are I-Abeing installed in Bedford S-type coach, long-wheelbase lorry and tractor chassis by the...
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Overseas Training for Maintenance A N investigation of.the problem of improving the use of road transport equipment in the...
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S OME time ago I coined the word " antidenationalization " to define the point of view that, while not enamoured of the goad...
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WHILST disc brakes are common on TV aircraft, they have not become popular for road vehicles, which is rather surprising,...