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The expected Local Government Board Order (England), for the purpose of rescinding Article IV (3) of the Motor Cars (Use and...
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Small Initial Pay, but Good Prospects for Rapid Promotion. First Application may be made to any 'Local Recruiting Depot. 1....
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TheStewart System. Officially described as No. 3, the Stewart steam tractor possesses many interesting features of design, the...
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The Elland (Yorks.) District Council has been considering the matter of a motorbus service front its area to the Halifax and...
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This journal chronicles, fosters, and represents commercial motoring in all its branches; it has a genuine circulation and...
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Firemasters and fire-brigade committees throughout the country are rapidly waking up to the fact that motor vehicles offer a...
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'Taximeters for Horse-cabs, The representatives of the London Cab Drivers' Union and the Federation of London Cab Proprietors...
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There are unquestionable signs ail -round of business stirring : the tire !manufacturers are the first to notice it, and I...
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Welcome Improvement in the Weather. Conclusion of Road Tests Yesterday (Wednesday) ; Manceuvring and Winding (Soft Ground)...
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Hamburg motorcab drivers are forbidden to carry anyone on the boxseat, under a penalty of 36s. The Munich Corporation has...
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Taximeters and Horse-cabs. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." 1,..)0:2J Sir :—The Home Secretary, in reply to a question...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published. We...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...