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F OR a considerable time we have been watching with great interest and some measure of perturbation the repeated efforts which...
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It is Best to Select L'XPERIENCE has shown Bus Drivers from 1 --a that an express coach driver Conductors . . . . seldom makes...
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That even engines now have inhibitions. That accidents are sometimes caused by tired eyes. That it was mostly " L " on the...
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All Road Haulage to Stop on March 26? U NLESS a settlement be reached before March 26, the employees of road-haulage concerns...
We referred recently to certaiti coming concessions in respect of steam vehicles using coal fuel, which are already allowed...
An important meeting which, it is hoped, will have far-reaching results in respect of the haulage of sugar beet is to be held...
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That road transport would be an aid to the establishment of a new industry irk a distressed area was pleaded at a case in...
A NY haulier reading through his goods-in-transit policy may note that it contains a number of " warranties " saying that this...
London Transport has placed an order with Leyland NI.6tors, Ltd., -kir 87 flat-engined coach chassis, a new type similar to the...
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The licensing system was discussed by members of the Bath Chamber of Commerce at its monthly meeting last week. Particular...
VII/IIETIIER a " utility " type of VI' vehicle can be adapted for use as a private saloon car in such a way that a speed limit...
A N interesting point with regard to the carriage of sand was raised before the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority at...
rrIENDEES are invited by the following (latest dates given in parentheses1:— Ramagate B.C., for approximately 1,000 tons of...
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For about six months I have been conducting some intensive research work on transport, and have come to the conclusion that for...
As a safeguard against the abuse of Contract A licences, of which there has been much complarnt in the Yorkshire Traffic Area,...
of railway opposition, that where a Contract A licence could meet transport requirements this was the proper remedy, failed at...
D eal TOA - 11 Council requires a motor mower; tenders close en March 19. Feithani Urban District Council requires a motor...
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in Transport Accountancy A FIRST:RATE example of the application of the proverb "A stitch in time saves nine" is in relation...
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BURNLEY PROTESTS AGAINST STATISTICAL RETURNS. The Burnley Division of the C.M.U.A. has sent a letter to the local Chamber of...
TT was at Newcastle that S.T.R., 'The Commercial Motor costs expert, had his record audience about a year ago. That experience...
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That, as a public body, Plymouth Corporation ought to be a pattern in things of that kind, was the criticism passed by Mr. F....
The haulage industry has an ally in the person of the Deputy-Mayor of Doncaster. Alderman Samuel Morris. Speaking at the...
•• HE Commissioners' staff was not out for scalps, but it was necessary that they should take notice of such things as Section...
T HE suggestion that some central body of the industry might be set up in the district, in order to negotiate with...
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-IE BUILDING TRADES ers O NE of the chief requirements of the builder is an open lorry which will carry loose loads, such as...
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F . OR twelve months now the road-haulage industry has been a centre of attraction for divers financial interests. Those with...
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CC OMING straight from a succession of goods-chassis trials to . 1 test of a luxury coach, the road-tester, naturally. enough,...
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Select Committee on Road Accidents Human Element the Heart of the Problem A T the fi rst public meeting of the Select...
I N the House of Commons last week Vice-Admiral Taylor asked the Minister of Transport whether the extended periods of A and B...
O N having his attention called to the habitual disregard of the speed limit on the Thames Embankment, including Millbank and...
A COMPLAINT was made by Mr. Lipson as to the heavy burden on the ratepayers. especially in agricultural counties, in respect of...
H AD the Minister considered, asked Sir P. Dawson, the census recently taken by the Automobile Association, of traffic in...
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and UERIES ENCOURAGE THE USE OF GAS-PRODUCERS. [5292] Your correspondents, Messrs. H. E. Crawfurd and J. Bowden, writing on...