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F EW items of equipment are so expensive to replace as tyres, yet few are so often abused. A lorry driver who is completely •...
T HE steadily increasing use of private transport and the advent of television have had a considerable impact on bus services...
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Riau mes Ellery T HE boy from Truro School looked out upon th beauty of the Cornish scene and decided he must nc be...
Pipeline Problems WHILST the Parliamentary processes of this country duly IV ponder, di g est and reword the Pipelines Bill,...
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From our Industrial Correspondent B uspay talks on behalf of 70,000 men and women employed in municipal undertakings in the...
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L T the instigation of the National Road Transport Federation the itish Standards Institution is to prepare Standard for...
HE heavy transport contracting part of their business has been sold by • and J. R. Watson, Ltd., civil engineer contractors of...
DR1NCIPAL guest at the annual luncheon of the Road Haulage Association on May 16 will be the Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest...
T HE Government intend to hustle the whole of the Committee Stage of the Transport Bill through the Lords well before ....
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Following the retirement of Mr. D. Harrison, B.M.C,'s director of home sales, the following appointments have been made: Mr. T....
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EXTENDIBLE semi-trailers can he operated within the law, the Northern . Area Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, was told...
A TTRACTIVE rates had been offered r — k by Sutton and Son (St. Helens), Ltd., tated Mr. R. Wakefield. assistant trans3ort...
T WO appeals were rejected and one allowed in part , by the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Tuesday. When Eddie and Eyre...
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A NEW lightweight trolley-head has been developed by Mr. F. J. Cunuder, deputy general manager and engineer of Cardiff...
S EVERAL nationally known manufacturing companies supported an application made to the Western Licensing Authority at Bristol...
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RAKING at a Huddersfield Town Council meeting last week, Alderman A. Bennie Gray, chairman of the enger Transport Committee,...
CONDUCTOR'S ticket issuing machine that automatically provides ■ rdings for highly detailed statistics been introduced by...
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'THE name Kenex has for some years I been associated with the smallest type of bus, seating about 12 passengers and converted...
O RDERS for 129 single-deck t bodies have been received Marshall Motor Bodies, Ltd., from B.E.T. Federation, Ltd., acting on...
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LEGATIONS were made before the i'outh Eastern Traffic Commisrs at Maidstone last week that the in the Bowater Packaging Company...
E VERY distributor should be equipped with an instant recording thermometer to ensure that product temperatures of goods...
Profit Up: After provision for taxation, Clayton Dewandre Holdings, Ltd., report a net group profit for 1961 of £369,560. The...
‘.--0 question of a shortage of haulage vehicles was presented to the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. G. W. Duncan, at...
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n UR.ING the course of the next few months ranch of the current range of commercial-vehicle brakes being produced by Girling,...
r - I N Wednesday, Sir William Black, chairman of A.E.C., Ltd., officially opened the new depot of C.V. (Sales and Repairs),...
THE Pointer Group of Norwich I opened a new depot at Histon, Cambridge. They have taken ove former National Benzole site toge...
INDIA'S FIRST: The first Leyland At ,tean rear-engined double-decker buses reach India have now gone into operat The Bombay...
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"Heavy" Overtakers Attacked FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT FIRIVERS of heavy commercial vehicles who tried to pass...
CONCERN about what might happen if pipelines were constructed and operated by "general transport operators" was expressed in...
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O PERATING a bus service is, to some extent, like selling any other commodity. It is a matter of offering something to a...
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Smokeless Power : Non-skid Brakin, )sign Reliability C HALLENGING Dr. F. Pischinger's views on diesel engine combustion, Mr....
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A S a regular reader of yours, I would like to hear from other readers how they think operators can hope to survive in face of...
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COMMENTARY by JANUS F i l OINTS of comparison are not difficult to find between the road haulage industry and the institution...
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A.E.C. Marshal 6 x 2 tested at 20 tons gross and shown to have outstanding braking characteristics, commendable fuel economy...
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T HE growing demand for cost-, labourand timesaving machinery and systems in all industries is evident from the amount and...
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H IGHLY placed among award winners at coach rallies over the past few years have been Flight's Tours, Ltd. At the 1960 British...
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Discussing access to buildings, and a study of profit ratios FROM S. BUCKI,EY Assoc. Inst. T. 64 I BELIEVE that this...
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“ I FEEL the basis of relationship between the N.A.F.W.R. and the B.A.O.F.R. has not Changed with the times. Both...
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And a Large South Wales Application 'TIPPERS are to the fore again. The I North Western "As and Ds '' contains the majority of...
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D EVIONST RATIONS were given in London recently of the Retract-ATrack system of load handling which is bein g shown at the...
T HE lar g est air compressor so far to appear in the ,Dunlop range has been announced. It is a 21-ca.-ft. stationary unit...
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Existing efficiency may be jeopardized if a commercial vehicle operator continues' to add to his fleet without adequate...