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Months and Adjust Residual Fleet of B.R.S. N O Government was more warmly Welcomed by hauliers than the present, and mine has...
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THIS year's Scottish Motor Show, which opens 1 in Glasgow today, is the 40th in the series and includes over 150 commercial...
The Old, Old Story IN the House of Commons, last week, Mr. Blenkinsop carried on the Labour war of attrition against...
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The query, "Will the air pollution Bill deal with offices where the air gets blue with Monday-morning tempers? " A reader's...
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A FTER years of persuasion by operaators and manufacturers, the Minister of Transport proposes to allow four-wheeled...
A N award to employees of provincial bus companies is expected to be made soon by the arbitration board set up to settle the...
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Weeks : Records Falsified THE Metropolitan Licensing Authority has suspended the B licence of William Varney, Ltd., 28 Hermes...
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MR. A. G. EVERSHED has been appointed commercial officer of the London Transport Executive. MR. W. JEFFERS has taken the place...
C HEAP dake.turn" facilities between West Suffolk and North Essex and London have been introduced experimentally by Premier...
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BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Transport is believed to have reduced from £20m. to £12m. his estimate of the...
T HE Northern Licensing Authority has served notice on Newcastle Transport Department that he intends to abolish its workers'...
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IN a memorandum sent this week to all Members of Parliament other I than Socialists, the Road Haulage Association accused the...
T HE Transport Tribunal last week rejected a haulier's appeal without calling on the respondents. Messrs. G. W. and D. S....
THE Transport Tribunal reserved their decision last week when Econofreight Transport, Ltd., Bowesfield Lane, Stockton-on-Tees,...
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THREE Black: Countrycoach drivers did not take 10 consecutive hours' rest during the Friday before August Bank Holidayâan...
A NEW schedule of bus services for rA Bridlington is to be drawn up by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd. The Yorkshire...
pOURSES in gas-turbine engineering and its application to road transport are to be introduced by the College of Aeronautical...
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ri E Board of Trade have referred the matter of common prices and collusive tendering to the Monopolies and Restrictive...
South Shields Transport Department celebrates its 50th anniversary next year. Altogether 38,728 buses and 91,125 goods...
A PPEALS by four Southport coach operators against a decision of the North Western Licensing Authority granting permission to...
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P ARKING meters and the charges to he made for their use were .further discussed by a' standing committee of the Flouse'of...
'THE formation of a British Motor 1. Corporation Drivers' Club, membership of which offers free personal accident insurance...
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New Under:floor-engined Passenger Chassis has Claymore Engine and Gearbox : Short Wheelbase Gives Good Manauvrability : 32-seat...
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A LIGHT - ALLOY articulated bus r"t with a seating capacity of 80 has recently been built for the Bahrain Petroleum Co., Ltd.,...
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New Range of Commer Superpoise 15-cwt. and 25-cwt. Chassis Introduced: 21-litre o.h.v. Petrol Engine Provides the Power and New...
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A FTER much experimental work, - Mr, . F. A. Catt, M.I.R.T.E., M.Inst.P.I., managing director of Miles Per - Gallon, Ltd., 76...
W HEN compared on a basis of equal size, there is no doubt that the disc brake can provide a better braking performance than a...
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By the Hawk W HAT does cotland think of the situation in road transport today and of the prospects for the future? I put this...
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F UEL cost when using oil-engined vehicles, as against those powered by petrol engines, can be halved. This fact is supported...
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WITH great interest and some amazement, I have read your leading article headed "The Wheels Stop '-' in your issue dated...
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Denationalization North' of the Border a Marked Success : Coastal Shipping May Offer Keen Competition : Big Concerns Provide...
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Fishermen of Scotland Hauliers Offer Specialized Services to Scottish Fishing Industry and Carry Much of the Heavy Landings of...
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Big Operators Running Regular Services from England to Scotland Carry Heavy Loadings By Hugh McPherson A QUARTER of a century...
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A.M.I.R.T.E. W HAT is literally a cradle-to-the-grave transport service for a sparse population scattered over a huge area in...
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Coach Operators and Caterers Get Together Under the Aegis of the Scottish Tourist Board By a Special Correspondent W HAT do...
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Over 170 Co-operative Societies North of the Border Run Some 5,000 Vehicles and have Their Own Association T HE interested...
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W. M. Hunter and Mr. G. D. Dow are directors of a recently formed company under thetitle of Associated Scottish Hauliers. This...
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A T the 40th Scottish Motor Exhibition, which opens at Kelvin Halt, Glasgow, today, there are over 150 commercial vehicles...
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p ART of the Budget ritual consists of the long queue of suppliants who plead their case for special treatment before the...
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DEARING no resemblance to other chassis in the Guy range, the new Warrior 8-tonner, which will be seen for the first time at...
D ECISION was reserved by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last week when the Mexborough and Swinton Traction Co., Ltd.,...
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D EVELOPMENTS ensuring greater efficiency and longer life have been made by component manufacturers since the Scottish Show of...
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VARIED ranges of workshop equipment are available for V inspection on the stands of the leading Scottish distributors, and...
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INTERESTING possibilities are pre sented by the development of a Bedford articulated outfit by Helicopter Services, Ltd.,...
By Our Legal Adviser IT has been said that the Law is an I ass. Without in any way subscribing to such a sweeping statement,...
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D URING the past week, many questions on road transport have been asked and answered in the House of Commons. They have dealt,...
" WHERE a firm purchases a special VV A licence and then finds it could get more work if it had purchased more, that can be no...
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A REGULAR night service-between Liverpool, the Midlands and London is planned by a newcomer, Roberts Motor Carriers...
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" A Cautionary Tale of Two Operators Who Fell By the Wayside While Another Haulier Progressed Through Keeping Proper Accounts...
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A BUILT-UP steel connecting rod 1" - 1 forms the subject of patent No. 736,033, which comes from DaimlerBenz A.G:,...