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H AULIERS throughout the country, and especially those who engage in municipal and county council contracts, must be keenly...
T HE question has arisen as to whether it is legal or illegal to steer a motor vehicle while it is being towed by another. In...
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Should Conductresses FFORTS to ease the lot of be Provided with 1 - 1 conductresses have been Platform Seats r made in the...
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Of wear and tear often counterbalanced now by care and dare. That many bombs from Nazi 'planes have, like the bombers...
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M. of T. RESPONDS TO B.R.F. SUGGESTIONS I N our issue of September 13 we published a letter from Mr. F. G. Bristow, hon....
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O o October 1, London members of the Industrial Transport Association met at Caxton Hall, Westminster, to hear an informal...
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What Should Be the Aim ? Which Should be Given Prior Consideration? Different Trend Characteristics are Called for by the...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier A Method Adapted to a Particular Case Involving, Minimum ReqUirements and. Maximum...
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p OST-WAti. pro g ress in the sphere of commercial-motor production is likely to show . the g reatest advance, not so much with...
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Better Roads for London After the War I N The Commercial Motor of September 27 there is an item under the heading " One Hears,"...
to lodge a complaint at not being able to obtain The Commercial Motor dated September 13 for some days after. I am well aware...
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IN your issue dated August 3, 1940, you were good enough to publish my criticisms of the industrial-coal haulage rates...
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A NOVEL idea is incorporated in a new filter which is now in production by British Vehicle Producer Gas, Ltd., 120, Pall Mall,...
MANCHESTER'S BAN ON FREE TRAVEL FOR THE FORCES NAANCHESTER City . Council has alnow 'decided not to g rant special concessions...
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A N improved spreader mechanism for brake shoes is disclosed in patent No. 525,328 by A. Taylor and TaylorJeffreys Patents...