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L AST Saturday a contingent of over 50 Members of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers left Tilbury for a working week" in...
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t3rieish vehicle distributors and retailers viiited the Pari s Salon to meet members of he French distributive and retail motor...
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Battery-electric E IGHT different types of batteryelectric delivery vehicle were on display in London last week for the...
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TRADERS DEMAND INQUIRY hfiENTION was made of the outalstanding effect of "The Commercial Motor" publicity when a strong...
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the appointment of MR. GEORGE DODSONWELLS, M.B.E., as public relations officer. MR. J. C FAIRCHILD, electrical engineer and...
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ItilANY components on commercial /V.I. ;vehicles are die-stampings, in which the metal used is forced into shape in metal dies....
B ASED on the Nippy 3-ton chassis, an 8-ft.-wheelbase tractor chassis, equipped with the Scammell 6-8-ton automatic coupling...
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At the end of the counter a girl may sit in comfort at a built-in cash desk and attend to coupon-clipping. Electric power for...
G LASGOW'S municipal housing department has evolved a trailer for the transport of foam slag slabs from a new factory at...
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vehicles influence: (a) The maintenance of running schedules on urban services, particularly at peak periods; (b) the facility...
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By H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., M.I.R.T.E. I N just over two years, two Seddons, hauling Taskers pole trailers, have moved nearly...
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Famous Concerns Combine to Make the First Post-war Salon Truly Representative of the French Commercial Vehicle Industry. Oil...
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D URING the post-war transitional period, it would be dangerous to disturb, without good reason, the present road-haulage...
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Points from an Interesting I.A.E. Paper by Mr. V. W. Pilkington, M.B.E., M.Eng., Director of Engineering, Leyland Motors, Ltd.,...
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XCLUS1ON of through traffic and Issi public service vehicles from the main shopping zone is proposed in the boldest scheme yet...
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IMPORTANT developments in the 1 road-transport system of the Indian State of Hydergbad are foreshadowed by Mr. H. 0. HaIlas,...
T HE swing from war to peace-time production is exemplified in the statistics of vehicles registered under the Roads Act, 1920,...
A TOUR of Royal Naval Air Stations CA and Royal Air Force aerodromes in England and Scotland has just been completed by the...
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T HAVE now dealt in detail with all the items of vehicle 1 operating cost, but in the system I have made no provision for the...
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P ATENT No. 578,797 comes from Wilmot-Breeden, Ltd., and C. Stephenson, both of Eastern Works, Camden Street, Birmingham, 1,...