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S UCH a colossal upheaval as has been enforced by this war is certain to have many minor, as well as major, repercussions, and...
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CEW can foretell with any reasonable degree of accuracy the major and minor effects of such a widespread war as that in which...
at the Service of VI' specifications we are often Inventors surprised by the number of ideas that appear to be unworkable....
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That it is inane to neglect methane. That a Bucks van owner has been fined for using his vehicle without mudguards. That in...
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PROVISION OF NIGHT MEALS FOR WORKERS U NDER a recent Order, restaurants, canteens, cafés, etc., as from June 15, may not serve...
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VINES totalling £500 were imposed 1 at Doncaster, on June 5, upon Mr. Harry Richards, haulage contractor, of Cooke Street,...
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S HOCK, which is a sudden lowering of the vitality of the body, will always be caused by severe injuries, and can easily be...
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Judgment Should Be On Maintenance of Schedule, Performance On Various Fuels, Simplicity In Operation and Maintenance, and...
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W OMEN are now being trained in the Army as motor fitters. A six weeks' course is given to . suitable women who care to...
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Five Improved G.E.P. Producer-gas Units and Five B.C.U.R.A. Outfits are Giving Satisfaction in the Hands of Carter Paterson and...
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Some Interesting Pointers on Methods by Which More Satisfactory Operation Could Be Achieved, By John Stewart A QUESTION which...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications S MALL portable fire-pumps are usually required to go into action with...