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D URING the past year or two, difficulties in Characteristics Must Not Be production o c Lost or Design Frozen by Excess thef...
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T HE Austin incentive bonus scheme has aroused ire in the breasts of certain churchmen. Their objection seems to be that they...
A Simple Plan to WRITING from Southern Help the Smaller " Rhodesia, Mr. M. W. Operators , . . Harris, managing director of...
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C °1s4 M ERCIAL-VEHICLE production in the New Year began on a slightly quieter note, the month's output of 14,002 units...
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MR. H J TROUGHFON, South Shields Corporation's transport manager, who is due to retire in September, has been asked to continue...
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Platform Height A N unusual feature of a decision recently given by the Appeal Tribunal is the specification of the minimum...
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of shoe clearance, and full servo action without loss of "feel," are outstanding features of the new LaycockNeale bus brake....
or Two Ninety shelters for bus passengers are to be erected by Middlesbrough Cor poration. According to Mr. Hackett,...
I N its report to the South African Parliament, tabled recently in the House of Assembly, the Commission of Inquiry into Road...
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th Coach Crash T HE result of a brake test with another vehicle on the hill where nine lives were lost in the Holmfirth coach...
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T HE somewhat belated apologia under the heading of ‘,` Mr. Duffield and the Future of the Free' Haulier;". by "An old -...
CONTROVERSY TRAMS are again criticized in your issue dated . 1 January 30, an accident in Glasgow forming the s basis of this....
I WOULD like to comment on the letter from Mr. 1S. W. Vinter, • headed " Why Was The Flag Hauled Down?" published in your issue...
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AMAICA, which was ceded to Britain as, long ago as 1670 and has a population of 1,237,000, has turned to America for its first...
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excursions and tours, gave me much food for thought in several directions. The original letter had some peculiar features. It...
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'HE KARRIER BANTAM A Vehicle Built Specifically for Local 'Work Reveals SilltPtiCity and Stardiness in Design, Combined with...
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Suggested by Mr. D. M. Sinclair, M. Inst.T., General Manager, Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. DREAMT that a...
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T HIS :s a story of private enterprise. It shows what a man can do in the way of building a successful business from scratch,...
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A DUPLE-BODIED Maudslay Marathon Mark III long-distance coach was on its way by road to Geneva last week, This handsome...
for Large Engines A N 8-cwt. model of the Minilift, an aid to easy handling in the repair shop, has recently been introduced...
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A. E. Sherlock-Mesher A Steadily Growing Fleet, at Present Numbering 24 Vehicles, Covers the Greater Part of England in the...
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Extend Mechanical Handling M ANY new applications for fork trucks can be visualized in the introduction by ElectroHydra ulics,...
S PRAY heat oil burners for using waste oil of all kinds are being manufactured by Johnson and Starley, Ltd., Whitegate Drive,...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications hfiODIFICATIONS to a design for a 'VI two-speed back axle are shown in...