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T HE stand (No. 13) occupied by • The Commercial Motor is one of the most attractive vantage points of the Exhibition at Earls...
I I is too early as we go to press to speculate upon the total attendance at Earls Court. Undoubtedly it will be good, but it...
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I T is anticipated in railway circles that the 5 per cent. increase in tariffs, imposed at the commencement of last month, will...
take this opportunity to express, through The Commercial Motor; my good wishes. to the commercial-vehicle industry for the'...
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The Show Opening rI NE of the most enjoyable Celebrated at "Ye 'se" meetings on the first day Ito lime" of the Show was the...
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How can a rates structure be -built up in each area when there are two • separate organizations of A, B and C licensees? This...
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• Distribution organization was as important as the goods . themselves, said Mr. S. S. Guy, in proposing a toast to the guests...
Railcar Corporation is to purchase a refuse collector. Thetford Corporation recommends the purchase of a Dennis tire-engine....
r OTTON exports from Lancashire, via Hull, and provisions from Hull docks for the Manchester markets are likely to be big...
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Three lions were being carried in a cage on a trailer when an examiner attached to the office of the East Midland Licensing...
Surrey County Council has accepted the tender of W. J. Lavender, Ltd., for . the hire of tipping lorries in connection with the...
the Minister of Transport, in proposing the toast of the commercial-vehicle industry, referred to the tremendous development of...
NO RECOGNITION OF STOPLIGHTS. I N the House of Commons last week, Sir William Brass asked the Minister of Transport. Whether,...
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A CCUSTOMED to visiting the Motor Show each year, the Commercial Motor Exhibition came as a surprise and, indeed, a slight...
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Fned eficieng O PINIONS differ strongly in respect of the use of metal or wood for passenger-vehicle body frames'. Whilst some...
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Any person who has acquired one of these new super semi-trailers ought to be able to find a job right away. Anyway, this time,...
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ROM the early days the question of engine accessi bility has been to the fore in the thoughts of designers, but despite the...
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Summaries of Informative Papers Read at Earls Court Before Meetings of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association,...
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UTORE than one speaker at the Conference on Monday referred to a suggestion of The Commercial Motor costs expert, S.T.R., as...
T HE lecturer to Associated Road Operators, on Monday afternoon, was Viscount Wolmer, P.C., M.P. He chose the title " New Roads...
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Q N Tuesday afternoon Captain C. F. Roberts, MC., F .I.T. A . , read his paper before the Industrial Transport -Association,...
M of interest is contained in the paper, 'Rubber Min Automobiles," read by Mr. Colin Macbeth, M.I.A.E., M.S.A.E., on Tuesday...
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THE title of the paper read by I Mr. J. S. Nicholl, M.Inst.T., C.A. ( - Canada), at the C.M.1.1.A. conference on Wednesday,...
Smart application, which was Adjourned from September 24, came before the Western Licensing Authority', Mr, A. P. Nicholson,....
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TO TIP that is the question I T does not seem a long way off when the tipping body was considered in the light of a novelty,...
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By S.T.R. T ome, the most striking thing about this Commercial Motor Show, none the less so because I have remarked it at...
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A POWER-OPERATED moving-floor body, which has LA been subjected to Strenuous tests over the past 12 months, has now been made...
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At .the Meeting of the East London Hauliers' Association addressed, last week, by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert,...
the Association's Board Room, 37, Mawdsley Street, Bolton. Other dates and places are as follow :— December 2, Grays; December...
VUIIAT will be the position of clear ing houses when the observance of agreed rates becomes a licence condition? A meeting to...
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I N what a state of uncertainty this year are the registration returns of new commercial vehicles. Although, in the main, the...
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p AYMENTS on account of hire-purchase transactions . and their rightful place in records of operating costs are rarely...
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Passenger Transport TETLOW'S LICENCE SUSPENDED F OLLOWING a hearing at which it was alleged that H. and J. Tetlow, Ltd.,...
T HE famous skid patch at the Chiswick works of London Transport has been replaced by a new training ground, which was formally...
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Series-Dynamic Control a Salient Point in Six New Sixwheeled Vehicles for Newcastle F OLLOWING the successful operation of the...
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0 N Monday next, November 15, the ninth Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition will open at the Royal...
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WHAT DO OUR READERS THINK OF EXCLUSIVELY MOTOR ROADS? [5181] The following extracts; taken from a letter in a...
[5182] Many letters and strong words have passed On the subject of running recorders without any really satisfactory...
WHAT SHOULD BE THE COST OF INSURANCE? [5183] Referring to certain correspondence which you have published in connection with...
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A BRAKE system suitable for heavy vehicles, or even, a train of vehicles, forms the subject of patent No. 472,620 (void) by L....