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A CRACK has appeared in the solid facade of organized free-enterprise road haulage. At present it is no greater than a hair's...
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T HERE is little doubt that the tubeless tyre has come to stay and that with a large demand for it in the small and medium...
Mining by a Coach Proprietor Mining by a Coach Proprietor rEW coach proprietors are likely to be faced with I the problem...
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That the proposed Severn bridge has been the pans asinorum of many governments. Of a suggestion that " WMPTA!".could make a...
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H AULIERS buying transport units were severely criticized on Monday by an industrial transport manager. Small...
B ECAUSE the ,Government make policy decisions at this time of the year which affect the framing of the Budget, the Motor...
S PECIAL A licences had been granted for over 1,200 vehicles in the area, said Mr. F. Williamson, North-western Licensing...
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r URTHER limits on waiting in London were forecast on Tuesday by Mr. J. Boyd-Carpenter, Minister of Transport. He said that it...
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T commanding officer of an Army camp was on Monday refused a licence by the West Midland Licensing Authority to run a coach for...
offer of £785,000 was made by Mr. George Dawson for the meattransport section of British Road Services, says The Financial...
MR. B. C. SPREADBURY has been appointed South Wales district manager of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co.. Ltd. MR. JOHN...
I F you continue to use your C licence on behalf of farmers living 10 or even 15 Tiles away, I shall seriously consider taking...
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F ORECASTS of complete stagnation of movement within the major cities have been made within the past few days by two prominent...
FOLLOWING an increase of £120,000 I a year in the cost of wages, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., have applied for permission to...
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NIV HEN John McNeil and Sons (Haulage Contractors), Ltd.. Glasgow, applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority last week to...
A PROSECUTION brought against I — k the operator of a vehicle with a revolving concrete drum, alleging that it caused excessive...
WHEN Gwent Transport •(Swansea), VV Ltd., last week opposed the applications of nine operators to the South Wales...
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D ISCS from a Servis recorder enabled a Biggleswadc lorry driver to be cleared of 14 charges that he had infringed the...
A RECOMMENDATION by Newr - 1 castle upon Tyne Transport Committee that concession fares for old-age pensioners on trolley buses...
I N the House of Lords, last - week, another attempt by Lord Lucas of Chilworth to compel bus undertakings to run...
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THE development of a bearing bush that will function satisfactorily without need for a lubricant has been a possibility for...
F ROM December 1, a new standard , price system is being introduced to simplify attention to lubrication and routine...
D RIVERS in the wholesale grocery and provision trade have been awarded a pay increase of 8s. a week. In the London area, the...
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INDICATIONS of the Government's attitude to road improvements were given by Mr. H. Molson, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the...
TtIT ANY people considered that !VI denationalization was proceeding too slowly, said Mr. W. P. James, West Midland Licensing...
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Return to Freedom Not What Meat Carriers Expected : Discontent Among Members of U.C.L.: Accusations that Rates are Too High A...
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by Andrew Seacombe nISSATISFACTION with U.C.L. L" appears to be chiefly in the provinces. This is probably explained by the...
A N unusual roof track and extending boom have been built into the design of a meat carrier built for Messrs. James Hunter of...
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Preview of Public Works, Cleansing and Maintenance Vehicles to be• Seen at Olympia Next Week O IL engines are now firmly...
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O NE of the largest buildings in Britain to be devoted to the reception, storage and supply of spare parts was opened at...
." THE scheme for the disposal of the I British Transport Commission's road haulage assets threatens to be, and will be, the...
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Is Private Enterprise Better? REPLYING to the letter from R. L. May in your issue dated October 29, I would say let him have...
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The Latest Findings When new, or when the brakes were properly adjusted, the braking performance of the lightor medium-class...
XP ER I MENTAL investigations which had been carried out showed that brake performance on vehicles which had been operated for...
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Safety Workers Want Doors and Indicators on Buses T HE fitting of power-operated doors to public service vehicles should...
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By Our Legal Adviser S INCE October 1 it has been obligatory for all vehicles other than bicycles, tricycles andcertain towing...
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F . 4 VERY time I see an announcement praising the plans of the railways to put hauliers out of business, I wonder what sort of...
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Mainly Small Units Reported This Week Stowmarket Company Buy—and Assign—More A PART from one fairly substantiat purchase in...
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O N Monday, the Transport Tribunal, sitting in Edinburgh, dismissed an appeal by William S. Jamieson (Haulage), Ltd., against...
I are rapidly approaching the W E climax where increased fares will not produce increased revenue," said Mr. E. R. L....
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A N inquiry about charges to be made for the hire of a 3-ton oiler has led me to consider that an owner-driver is unlikely to...
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A TORQUE-DAMPING unit, built 1 - 1 into the central member of a Chitch, is described in patent No. 7.14,644 '(Layeock...