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We dealt last week with the uncommercial features, and the probable commercial illegality, of the 30-cwt. subvention-type...
All motor fire-engines and motorcars, which are kept for fire-brigade purposes, are entitled, under Section 12 of the Finance...
The enormous use of motor transport, in connection with this month's military manceuvres, is the natural outcome of the...
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It is not inappropriate, while Divisional Training is leading up to the Manoeuvres, that we should have a great deal to say on...
The commercial-motor industry is benefiting by the developments ot aeroplaning, and materially BO in connection with the...
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That L.G.O.C. drivers and conductors are very much better paid than the L.C.C. men. That the U.S.A. scare will not be so easy...
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By T. C. Aveling, Assoe.M.Inst.C.E. Thomson's road steamers saw the first use of rubber for the treading of wheels of...
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The Famous Scotstoun Works Produce a Live-Axle Model Possessing Many Interesting and Original Features. By Our Glasgow...
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4 Passenger-Vehicle Topics. V44 d:Ak:.:::::.;' , " -,, xW,' , .*0:AMW.4 , 10S-affhnifffiaallat' Midland Tirr.s. The...
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We have emphasized the fact, in many recent issues of this journal, that future successful street trading oi the naotorcal...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. REMINDERS. (SFIEMS~161en*VM0W M6SAMM60 We...
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We have received particulars and photographs, reproduced herewith, of an ingeniously-designed rolling scotch which has been...
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The Modern Micawber. Openings for Enterprising Agents. "DustExtractor.'—1 noticed last week, in your first paragraph of 'Out...
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From our own IL-orresponuenc in Singapore. Successful Passenger Services. Some time ago, I made allusion to the proposen...
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By Our Own Correspondent. Strike Benef-ts. Queensland suffered earlier this year from a general strike, and, following the...
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A Few Ignition Wrinkles which Drivers Should Note. The widespread belief that the formation of soot in an engine cylinder is a...
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Special Engine Disposition for Ambulance Work. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1068] Sir,—I am anxious to find a chassis...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any poin's connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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A Leyland Transmission Gear. A. Fergusson, H. Spurrier and Leyland Motors, Ltd.—No. 17,186, dated 27th July, 191L—According to...