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by Miles Brignall and Grizelcla Graham • A haulage firm boss and an electronics specialist who used a sophisticated device to...
• Anothel established haulier has decided to get out of the business. blaming poor rates. The majority of...
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by Derren Hayes and Michael Jewell • Allen Munro Transport and its director John Gillam have served libel writs claiming...
• A 63-year-old driver whose illegal lorry killed a mother and two children has been sentenced to two years in jail. Keith...
E xtra! Extra! Read all about it! 0-Licence cations leap by 25%! If you want to things look really good—or bad—ther centages...
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by Karen Miles • The Sowerby Bridge disaster is about to become the first case where a manslaughter charge is brought against a...
pressure on rates • UK container hauliers could face rates cuts following the £2.6m merger of P&O and Dutch firm Nedlloyd to...
• • slam government subsidy as lobs are lost • Mushroom hauliers are laying off owner-drivers in the UK and Ireland amid...
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by Derren Hayes • Abnormal load escorts on trunk roads and motorways could soon be privatised if recommendations to strip the...
• An owner-driver subaotracted to move containers for P&O Roadways who had "billocks mate" written by a member of Roadways...
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by Miles Brignall • An owner-driver with ARC Southern is threatening to write to the Office of Fair Trading to challenge the...
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by Karen Miles • McGregor Cory is withdrawing from owning its own facilities in three major continental markets in contrast to...
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by Jane Sayer • HM Customs and Excise has come under fire from the Western and Eastern Traffic Commissioners for failing to...
by Rachel Ludsey • Pt cable laying firm has been fined more than £8,000 after vans it used were found to be riddled with...
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by Charles Young • Volkswagen has released list prices for its new LT panel van range, now on UK sale. The LT spans the weight...
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• Competition for the UK fire appliance market has come from a new direction this year with the arrival of the first...
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by Bill Brock i f you were a truck builder the feelgood factor would depend on whether your product fell above or below the...
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by Bryan Jarvis • Unimog has used last week's SALTEX (Sports, Amenities, Landscaping) exhibition as a launch-pad for its...
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• The licence held by Lewis Land Services has been revoked: the company and managing director Peter Morrison have been banned...
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MI A failure to follow the code of practice for d y namic-axle weighbridge has resulted in Welsh haulier Edward Hamer...
• A Gwent cornness. It had been done withou pany was allowed reference to his wife, also a direc to keep its licence tor, and...
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• 17-18 September: Motorway Service Areas Conference 1996, Marriott lotel. London. Contact: 0171 233 7600. • 17-18 September:...
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Weight problems I wonder if any of your CM readers have suffered the same experience as our firm. On 27 November 1995 one of...
W hy do French farmers feel they have to take to the streets every time they get upset about something? You never see British...
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two new Leyland tippers started work in pristine condition, Scottish operator McIntosh Plant sent a low-loader down to...
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might well have the average thief flummoxed with its new Scudo. Even if you were to hand over the keys and wish him safely on...
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come last with the Scudo entering a photo finish for the first places. The worst aspect of the driveability is the visibility....
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T here's always been debate about exactly what a business's assets are worth. Sonic people will give you the balance sheet...
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FORD COURIER KOMBI I t's not often that CM tests a vehicle which has no obvious competitors, but here we have one: a van which...
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June last year. That was the day his brother Andrew died when a 1401ig wheel came off a truck and smashed into his Rover on the...
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11 While any road death has to be counted a catastrophe, research by the Transport Research Laboratory shows wheel-loss...
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pursued as if they were major crimes' 4 y outlook changed after 24 ;41 8 running a six-vehicle fleet, when I was prosecuted...