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T HE public-spirited members of the national council of the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association have, in the failure of...
S INCE 1930 the word " co-ordination " has become one of the most overworked and, consequently, meaningless terms in the...
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C OACH operators have, we understand, not taken kindly to the modified arrangement of Notices and Proceedings for the...
A short article treats with the prospect of co-ordinating road, rail and air services. Page 300. Our Parliamentary...
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That 'overloading in air transport is almost unknown. The query "What has suppressed the enthusiasm of so many road passenger...
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," The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Cumnoek Town Council invites offers for the supply of a refuse collector. Barrow-in-Furneee Corporation is buying two G.V....
BIG PLANS TO STABILIZE RATES. " 1 AM certain that, in the course of the next 12 months, possibly less, we shall establish a...
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Aluminium and its Alloys Exclusive Details of a Remarkable Process by which the Surface of the Metal is Converted into a Hard,...
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HEAVY TRAFFIC AND NIGHT FLYING BY HILLMAN. There are signs of considerable activity at the Romford aerodrome of Hillmans...
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S OME interesting double-deck bus bodies for London Transport are under construction at the Addlestone, Surrey, works of...
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;TEM of a SMALL ISLAND T 0 many people who have never visited them, the Channel Islands must seem almost too small to carry any...
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IN order to provide an inexpensive Light delivery machine, capable also of transporting delicate goods, a German factory which...
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AN ANSWER TO A PLEA FOR LIGHTER CHASSIS. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4288] Sir,—With reference to letter No. 4279 from...
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T HE subject of road, rail and air coordination was dealt with in an informative paper read by Mr. C. L. Klapper, honorary...
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Criticism of the Government's Road-safety Proposals is Mainly Directed at the Speed Limit in Built-up Areas By Our Special...
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- FASTED IN THE PENNINES T HREE main considerations lay behind the policy of the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. in producing...
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F OR the 19th week . we publish on this page a selection of the most informative of the inquiries concerning the licensing...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT THE NEW BILL: M.H.C.S.A. AMENDMENTS P R ACTICAL and important comments on, and proposed amendments to,...
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NATIONAL PUBLICITY WEEK ABANDONED THROUGH APATHY. I N last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, the National Road Passenger...
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A N important order for 35 Ace 20seater buses has been placed with Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Guildford, by the Western National...
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T.RE brighter weather has proved to .I. be a stimulant to the drapery and clothing industry and most manufacturers are now...
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HAULIER ;ad CARRIER I T takes a long time to persuade a haulier to acknowledge the existence of many of the items of operating...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications DATENT No. 406,815, by Oliver D. 1 North, Percy G. Hugh, and S camme!...