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D OES THE. WAR CABINET realise the urgency of the transport situation of the country? It has placed such an embargo on the use...
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By Lord Headley. W E CAN AFFORD to let well alone so long as it remains well and is making for improvement, but the moment it...
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Some Aspects of the Use of the Removable Body and the Advantages that May Accrue. By "The Inspector." M ANY OF ITS who are...
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T HE PRACTIbE which has been established by Ministers and heads of departments, since the , war commenced, of calling together...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points a2 - ising, as a carriage is by the...
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A Notable Invention Which Indicates a New DevelOpment in the Motoring Industry. I N AN EDITORIAL articleo few weeks ago, we...
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M ANY BUSY MINDS have been at work on the problem of how to make the fullest possible use of the power unit of a motor lorry,...
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No. 4.—Regulation of Power—Pump and Injector Merits—Steering and Brake Control—Lubrication Hints. Dealing with the regulation...
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Recent Improvements, Hints and Wrinkles. Compressed Gas Fit-out. In our last issue we drew attention to the compressed gas...
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A Convincing Reply to -a Frequent Criticism. T O ANY PERSON who has had experience of the various sections on the different...
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Deep 'v. Shallow Ploughing—A Horace Greeley Reminiscence—The Ferguson Plough—Building the Plough for the Agrimotor—Some...
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Official Findings on .the October Demonstration—" Extraordinary Progress "Some Important Recommendations. A T A MEETING OF the...
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An Expert Comment. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1567] Sir,---We must admit that the article headed " Why Not...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to The sender of the best late?' which we publish, on this page; all others are...
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A -Bluemel Sparking Plug. Of types of sparking plugs there would seent to be enough and to spare,' yet scarcely a week passes...