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Requests for Increased Haulage Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs, which Rates Can Now be Substantiated accompanies...
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Rapid Progress of pRIOR to the -war, the total Oil Engines for I power of vehicle-type oil Vehicles engines produced in this...
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That some people see many profundities in the pools. That anyone who profits by the purchase tax is robbing either the buyer...
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E NDEAVOURS are being made at Liverpool to speed up the transit of inward and outward goods from the dock quays. Last week a...
D ESPITE the war, world registrations of motor vehicles recorded a 4 per cent, advance during 1939. At the beginning of this...
wages rates for drivers of &licence • vehicles, agreed upon between the Bradford and District Commercial Vehicle Owners'...
of Commons last week Mr. Parker asked the Minister of Transport whether he was aware that gross profiteering Was still taking...
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A MONO the salient features of the new Enness-Sentinel producer-gas plant, made by Enness Sentinel, Ltd.„ The Old Hall, Little...
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O PENING his speech at the annual V./general meeting of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Mr. C. W. Reeve, C.B.E., chairman,...
rrl-IE record of road transport since I the war began has been a record of gigantic waste—not by road transport, but of it,"...
, A STRONG second appeal on behalf of theComforts Funds of the Royal Army Service Corps and the Royal Army Ordnance Corps has...
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way of ascertaining, week by week, the operating costs of commercial vehicles is by using The Commercial Motor Operating Costs...
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iUIDE TO THE SMALL HAULIER 1\1 0, I am not suffering from. a swelled head. It may be that I am indulging in a spot of wishful...
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one of war's effects on confectionery transport Distant Deliveries of Individual Manufacturers Co ordinated Under the M.C.A....
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N EWS accounts of the German advances on the European Continent have written into history, even more vividly than during the...
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FURTHER PROGRESS-EFFICIENCY OF GUY VEHICLES The Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of Guy Motors, Limited, was held on Thursday, 5th...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT SAFETY TREATMENT OF P.S.V. WINDOWS T O a suggestion in the House last week by Mr. Cocks, that the...
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A Survey of Pre-ti,ar and Pres' ent Motor Costing, as applied to the Fleet of Manorcroft Dairies, Ltd. By' Lewis Jones (Cost...
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A N interesting paper on the development of goods transport by road was read last Wednesday before the Royal Society of Arts by...
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T HOSE engaged in the transport ol sugar beet will be interested in a device shown in patent No. 527,916 from Miag Muhlenbau...