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0 PINIONS from various people concerning the Transport Bill are published in this issue and others will follow, but that given...
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nNE of the most iniquitous parts of the Trans port Bill is that dealing with compensation. This section in particular bears...
Getting a Useful A LTHOUGH the chief purLift from a Fork 'pose of a fork lift truck is Truck the stacking of packages, useful...
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NEW TAXATION RATES FOR GOODS VEHICLES F ROM January 1, 1947, goods vehicles exceeding 12 cwt, unladen, but not over 16 cwt.,...
A T a public inquiry heW at Cam-bridge on December 6 by Sir Alfred Faulkner, Eastern Licensing Authority, he stated his views...
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T HE annual dinner-dance of the Southern (Metropolitan) Sub-area, R.H.A., held at Lewisham last Monday, was more notable than...
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IN the year ended September 30 last, I the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., made a Profit of £56,843. after providing for taxation...
operation early in November, but we are glad to learn that he is making good progress, and his many friends will wish him a...
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C OMPLA1NTS were made at a meeting of the road transport section of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce of Government Departments...
Mr. Robert Rankin, a Scottish tours operator for 30 years, has died at Ayr, at the age of 56. Arehbolds (Freightage), Ltd.,...
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N EXT year the Government proposes to invite tenders for preliminary work on the Severn Bridge. The Maidenhead and Slough...
although the ownership of the vehicles that run on them is of political concern. This distinction was made by Mr. Alfred...
Twickenham Highways Committee is to buy a Dennis cesspool emptier. Wallasey Corporation is to purchase two S.D. Freighter re f...
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I SUPPOSE one's second reaction, after a feeling of infuriation at 'he whole idea of compulsory .expropriation, is, "Well, what...
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G OOD news to all operators of ancient taxicabs is -the information that the Nuffield Organisation has produced a new cab known...
D ETA1LS are now available of the principles and construction of a ticket-issuing machine -described in "The Commercial M o...
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Inevitable? Can Unremunerative Routes be Made to Show a Profit by Altering Timings, Using Different Vehicles, or by Some Other...
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W HILST it would not be in the interest of the maker to " doctorup " a vehicle be . fore we took it over for a road test, he...
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1-1-IERE have been many instances in I which the simplest devices have succeeded where more complicated arrangements have...
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The Transport Bill Presages the Setting Up of a Dictatorship in this "Land of Hope and Glory" and the Gagging By "Tantalus" of...
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Every Haulier and the Trading Community at Large are Affected by the Government's Nationalization Proposals nERHAPS the most...
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By Capt, W. F. Strickland R OAD operators now know some thing about the Government proposals for taking away their industry—or...
By Robert Barr Chairman, Yorkshire Area, Passenger Vehicle Operator; Aseociation and Head of the Barr and Wallace Arnold Dust,...
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MANCHESTER'S COSTS TOO HIGH, SAYS MR. MACVE " I AM compelled to the view that the cost of operating the undertaking is unduly...
Lecture, given to the Institute of Transport on Monday last by Mr. J. S. Wills, M.Inst.T., was "Goodwill in Road Passenger...
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Shows Marked Virility M UCH of the secret information concerning metallurgical and other developments introduced during the war...
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UERIES THE CAPACITY OF CUTHBERT MACHINES WE have read with interest, in your issue dated Novem" 22, Mr. Cuthbert's letter...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications DATENT No. 580,283 comes from L. Chouings and the Automotive Products...