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T IS STILL extremely difficult for a vehicle owner or fleet manager to say where wise precautions end and extremes are...
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HE LONDON traffic combine, consisting of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Loudon Underground Railways, has...
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Of improvements in valve gear. Of luxurious taxicabs for London. Ofa,. " stake "-sided lorry for butchers. That the...
Brown to Jones Smith runs that bus of his awfully cheaply—says he , hasn't spent a penny on it for repairs since he had it five...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A New Definition of Motor Spirit Suggested, the Flashpoint Being 100 deg. F. and the Boiling Point from 180 deg. to 210 deg....
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M ANY of our readers may remember that at the time of the 1921 Corn- , . mercial Vehicle Exhibition Messrs; Automobiles 31....
In no part of - Englarielhave milling, developments proceeded in greater i volume during recent years than n Nottinghamshiro,...
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Applied by the Downward Thrust of the Wheel, the Brake Grips the Road Smoothly, the Higher the Speed the Greater Being the...
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O NE OF the finest illustrations of the remarkable increase in the use of commercial motors in America in recent years is to be...
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In this Second Article upon the• Recent Developments in Wireless Telephony the Possibilities of its Usefulness in Vehicle...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World.. BIRMINGHAM'S DOUBLE-DECKER TROLLEY-BUSES. An Inspection of...
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O N VEHICLES which are constantly employed in the transportation of inflammable goods • it is very desirable that reasonable...
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How a Miscellany of Road Transport \relict( Five Hundred Slic d in the Demobilisation of the World's Fair. , ..ek Pastures New...
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T "Rural District Councils Associatiou has made the following suggestions on the licensing of buses to the Departmental...
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Further Opinions Concerning the Project for Forming a Haulage Trade Association. Why a Combine Will Not Do. O NE OF THE most...
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The Report of the Committee Gives, on the Whole, Praise to the Work of the Implements. T HE. HIGALAND and Agricultural Society...
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The Ransomes' Runabout Crane Has Been Entirely Redesigned and Embodies Many Unique Features. w E HAVE on many occasions...
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T " FRENCH military trials which were recently held near Versailles have shown us that three tyres on one wheel unmet adapt...
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How the Motor Vehicle Fleet of the Baking Department of a Northern Co-operative Society Has Assisted to Increase and Hold...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). I N WHAT I have written during the past week or two in these columns I...
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The novel coach for passengers, mails, and goods, which is the registered design 'cif Mr. F. W. Hopper, and which we described...
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The Editor invites cot : respon.dence on all subjects connected with the' use of cornmercial motors. Letters should be on one...
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T HE Atco motor mower was introduced in 1921, since when over 2,500 have been produced. In place of a single 22-in. model,...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page from...
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Hints on Economizing From Driver and Mechanic Readers. P ETROL and oil are the two items supply which are regularly required...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. A N INTERESTING type of internal-combustion turbine is described in specification No....