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T HE post-war problems of our railways are to be considered by an important Commission, the chairman of which is Sir E. Lemon....
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W E have been endeavouring for some time to find a method by which drivers and other workers in the road-transport industry...
THERE have been many I rumours as to German petrol not being able to stand up to extreme cold, and eorreboration . of these...
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That fair criticism makes for efficiency. That most rail traffic begins and ends its journey as road traffic. 0 • That the...
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UNOFFICIAL EARMARKING OF VEHICLES I NFORMATION has come to the notice of A.R.O. which appears to indicate that there are cases...
T HE disposal of stores which will be surplus after the war is being considered by a special committee appointed by the London...
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T HE Ministry of War Transport is urging that those drivers who are in charge of vehicles which are earmarked for the military...
T HE report of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., for the year 1941 shows a profit, after providing for debenture stock and other interest,...
VIRST step in the execution of a plan extending to public service stations all over the country, the inauguration of a Redex "...
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W/ITH a view to assisting Regional VV Transport Commissioners, to each has been appointed a Repairs Adviser. These are men who...
MR. T. Seemerosr, a haulage contractor, has been appointed to the committee of Leyland Chamber of Trade for the ensuing year....
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The Problem . of I Figures and Provis Can be Amended Into Line Wit D-When Estimated Future Expenditure der to Bring Them a.1...
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R EFERRING to your leader, "Wanted—Ideas for 1 •Better Vehicles," published in your issue 'of September 26, it is to be hoped...
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Once More Heavy Falls of Snow Have Caught the Authorities Ineffectively Prepared and Have Caused Serious Delays to Both Road...
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How Progress Has Been Achieved by the Haulage Business of Mr. William Barrow, of Lostock Gralam, Which Last Year Celebrated...
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Phases of the Transport Activities of an American' Company Operating Over 11,700 Route Miles R APID riges to large-scale...
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drivers will, no doubt, appreciate the good inwishes expressed by Mrs. Borrowdale concerning the formation of an association...
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Eight Fuels for Internalcombustion Transport Engines Different from Those Derived from Crude Petroleum Are in Use Throughout...
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U NTIL last spring no wheeled vehicle had ever attempted to negotiate the wild and difficult 56-mile strip between San Ignacio...
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The Leading Points From a Particularly interesting Paper Read in January Before the Royal Society of Arts by James Kewley,...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published F ROM the International. harvester CO., Chicago, Ill.,...