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S LOWLY and laboriously the Transport Bill is being hammered into shape. The measure that will reach the Statute Book will be a...
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F the many commodities and services which this country makes available in the overseas markets, none is more valuable than the...
"East Kent" and the Floods p OAD transport operators and their employees have " done a great deal to alleviate the serious...
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T WO important decisions affecting vehicle taxation and offences relating to it were given by the Queen's Bench Divisional...
L AST year British Road Services lost La 5.2m. tons of traffic and covered 59.6m. fewer miles. As reported in "The Commercial...
S TRICTER control of entry into road passenger transport is being urged by the Transport and General Workers' Union. The Road...
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MR. G. N. SWAYNE, F.S.E., has been elected president of The Society of Engineers. MR. W. G. ALLEN. F.C.A., chairman of...
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DEGRETTING the delay in giving IX decision, the Minister of Transport has dismissed three appeals lodged by McGill's Bus...
A CLAIM against Cattermoles (Garages), Ltd., 78-89, Pentonville Road, London, N.1, by London County Council for payment of £23...
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llOTLY contested applications by Wilts and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., and several independent coach operators for licences...
S ETT1NG aside the recommendations of his inspector, Sir Oswald Allen, the Minister of Transport, has dismissed, with costs,...
The North= General Transport Co., Ltd., has ordered 34 Guy Arab double-deckers. Molyneaux and West (Industrial Trucks), Ltd.,...
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M AINTAINING the pressure for the abolition of the 20 m.p.h. limit on heavy goods vehicles, the deputation, from the leading...
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Companies as Transport Units: Move Against Monopolies: B.T.C. Concession BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A MENDMENTS to...
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E VIDENCE of the determination of the railways to meet the competition of long-distance coach services is provided by the...
E XCEPTIONAL ease of loading and 1—dunloading may be achieved in a van body by providing a large number of loading apertures....
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Says A Suggested Formula to Remove Anomalies from the A. E. Sherlock-Mesher Law on Private Hire and Allow Reasonable Freedom...
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The Growing Volume of Traffic in Exeter's Main Street Causes Concern to the Authorities and Creates a Need for Extensive...
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How Interference to Television and Short-wave Reception by Spark-ignition Engines can be Prevented F ITT1NG suppressors to the...
By Eric Cant B EFORE they will accept an increase in the speed limit on heavy goods vehicles, drivers will insist upon an...
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the article The Stuff to I Give the Troops," in your issue of January 30, as on many occasions 1 have been thankful for the...
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Twenty Years After T . judge from their behaviour in Parliament, one would suppose that politicians regard inconsistency as...
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Are Rife Local Authorities are Always Prone to Accept Lowest Tenders, but Hauliers Should Not Quote Uneconomic Charges for the...
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T HE usual method of collecting refuse on a house-to-house basis is to empty the bins direct into the vehicle. When dealing...