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T O-DAY the commercial-vehicle industry of this country, both in the operating and manufacturing spheres,. is in a position...
- POR some time it has been realized that the publicity of individual coaching concerns is entirely inadequate to counteract...
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A PURPOSE usefully served by Thermoflex Packless glands (described in our issue dated January 6) is for retaining lubricant in...
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M.H.C.S.A. Opposes Commissioners' Views on Indicators. The Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., has replied to...
I N connection with its policy and rulings for 1933, in relation to exhibitions, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders...
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Derby Corporation's Latest Guy Trolley-buses. Further to a paragraph appearing in a recent issue, intimating that Derby...
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GLASGOW Corporation is purchasing from Messrs..Aveling and Barford and Perkins, a 2i-ton petrol-engined road roller costing...
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RAILWAY ATTACKS on Road Transport A LEADING feature of the home il.industrial life of the nation, during the past year, has...
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THE LATES1 1:ROSSLEY OIL ENGINE W E are able this week to announce a new type of Crossley compression-ignition engine to be...
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F OR a number of years Morris.. Commercial 15-cwt. and 1-ton vehicles have enjoyed no mean popularity, judging by the number of...
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D URING the past few days we have had an opportunity to visit the works of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd.,...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3959] Sir,—The ordinary observer would think that the recent disclaimer by the members of...
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was announced by Mr. B. C. • Marston, chairman of the Road Haulage Association, at a London rally of hauliers held under the...
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■ IGINE TRIED OUT A LTHOUGH the general principles of the Leyland oil engine have been known and illustrations and references...
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A Résumé of an. Appeal Addressed to the Minister of Transport by the Standing Joint Committee THE MITE Road Traffic Act, 1930,...
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T lEmrecently granted patent (384,433) of Mr. J. G. Smithson, of Oakdale, Alvechurch, Worcestershire, should be of great...
I N our recent description a the interesting Marchant-Stewart oil engine, we mentioned the fact that the injectors, or, rather,...
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T HE recent installation by Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., Ewer Street, Southwark, London, S.E.1, of a new electric...
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IMPORTANT MINISTERIAL STATEMENT ON FARES SUMMATION Result of Appeals by Elliott Bros. (Bournemouth) Ltd. .tl A N important...
POOR RESPONSE TO CALL FOR STRIKE OF U.A.S. EMPLOYEES. A DISPUTE has arisen in certain northern depots of United Automobile...
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MAKES ANOTHER APPLICATION FOR "SEASONS" T HE complicated question of the issue of season tickets by the Eastern Counties...
T HE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each...
M RADE depression has not checked the growth of Carmo (1929), Ltd., 390, Euston Road, London, N.W.1, for during a recent...
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Remarkable Results Obtained from a Pagefield Gardner engined Vehicle Which has Been Driven Hard for a Period of Nearly 21...
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C ERTAIN branches of haulage are likely to be active or otherwise, according to the weather and, in most cases, hauliers who...
B OSTON Rural District Council invites tenders for the supply of granite, slag, both dry and tarred, and shingle. Application...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I T seemed to me that it might be a good idea, in the course of this series of articles, to secure the...
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T HE name of The Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Engiand, appears in patent No. 884,513, which describes an arrangement whereby a free...