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S OME important suppliers of commercial vehicles are Important Considerations Which concerned at the meagre Apply Mai nl y to...
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G OLD is a lure which attracts ‘-amen to places where transport may be extremely difficult. In Canada's new mining area, north...
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Statutory L AST Monday it was announced that the Minister of Labour and National Service had accepted the proposals submitted...
T HE Ministry of Transport is undertaking a thorough investigation into the operation of the vehicle grouping system, and fuel...
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W E are informed that large bulk quantities of used lubricants, chiefly engine oil, will regularly be on offer for reclamation...
%.-/costs, to commercial vehicles in the range of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., have been increased in price. The Fordson 5-cwt....
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B USES and Green Line coaches operated by London Transport will, SO soon as possible, be equipped with new forms of mask...
LIVESTOCK HAZARDS IN the absence of any pro1 vision to the contrary, the term ' goods" appearing in a goods-in-transit policy...
of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd„ of Luton, who was on the reserve of officers, has been recalled to the Service. His many friends in...
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D RIVERS of road vehicles employed by the Petroleum Board are apparently dissatisfied with the action of the Board in refusing...
T HE scheme originated in Yorkshire for carriers of wool by road to co-operate in the transport of wool for the Wool Control...
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crisis in 25 years so that, apart from present attractions, it was intporta.nt that the industry should discover suitable...
\y/HAT was said to be a test case W concerning black-out regulations for public-service vehicles came before the Otley...
H AVING concluded, from thorough investigations, that the only satisfactory way of blacking out coaches and buses, without...
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Systems S TUDENTS of design cannot fail to have noted that of recent times one of the most outstanding respects in which...
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['RIVING a producer-gas vehicle was Lignite different from driving one propelled by petrol, and drivers needed to be educated...
Chesterfield Corporation is to purchase three Leyland; Lynx lorries. Manchester Gas Committee has accepted the tender of...
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Developments in Scientific Treatment of Metals, of Value to Our Industry A SURVEY of what is happening in 1 - 1 the...
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A MONG the outstanding features of the B.V.P. producer-gas plant, references to whicn appeared in our issues dated December 23...
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remove difficulties experienced by operators of low-pressure-gas vehicles (the gas-bag type) through a lack of standardization...
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0 NE of the great differences between this war and the 1914-1918 conflict is the state of Home Defence —the need for a large...
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Believed to be the First Mobile Unit of its Kind, this American Vehicle Can Perform Most Eflicient Service in Emergencies of...
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Attractive Scannell First-aid Outfit of 50 g.p.m. Capacity and Incorporating a 350-gallon Tank RE are many purposes to which...
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Passenger Transport MORE MONEY FOR LONDON BUSMEN T HE Transport and General Workers' Union recently presented to.London...
D ESPITE the war, Darwen Corporation Will probably have abolished trams on all routes by the end of March. The actual date of...
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Examination of a Difficult Problem, That of Determining How a Series of Quoted Rates for General Haulage Can be Replaced by a...
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Over zoo Representatives of Chassis Makers, Fuel Suppliers and the Press View the Progress Made With the Brush-Koela...
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A GAS producer, designed to func, tion satisfactorily under varying loads, and capable of dealing with fuel having a high...