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C OMPARED with American practice, expenditure on research by typical British manufacturers—where any such research is carried...
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danley Birch A SMALL crowd of curious, maybe somewhat morbid. passers-by gathered in Broad Sanctuary, London, on a day in the...
TWO weeks ago I light-heartedly referred to a startingly wide normal user in an application for a carrier's licence; it ranged...
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A RATES guide for long-distance hauliers is soon to be published by the Road Haulage Association, coupled to a "code of...
F OUR new goods models have been introduced by the G.M.C. Truck and Coach Division, Michigan, U.S.A. All are normal-control...
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TWO brothers were alleged by Mr. Paul Wrightson, prosecuting, at the Old 1 Bailey last Friday, to have evolved a system for...
It is reported from Japan that an Isom DA-120 125-b.h.p. oil engine was sent to Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd., last year,...
A N ORDER for rear-engined Daimler Fleedine double-decker forwardentrance buses has been placed by Sunderland Transport...
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MR. B. G. BUTLER has been appointed secretary of Transport Brakes. Ltd., Brislingtom Bristol, in succession to MR. R. TACHL....
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From Our Industrial Correspondent T U.C. chiefs are to see Mr. Ernest 1 Marples, Minister of Transport, next Wednesday to...
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QIX vehicles were granted to two Northern hauliers for the conveyance of long lengths of steel at Stockton on Tees last week by...
T RIBUTES were paid to Mr. W. P. James, the West Midland Licensing Authority, at Hanley on Monday, when he presided at his last...
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nESPITE objections by six Yorkshire area caravan haulage contractors, the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon,...
jIGOROUS steps to increase their V business overseas has been taken by Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., reports Lord...
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"More New Buses Needed" A Napplication for higher fares, described by Mr. F. W. Williamson, chairman of the North Western...
MEWPORT'S buses incurred a loss of 11 £1,792 during November, Mr. R. A. Hawkins, general manager, told the transport...
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ag9 a. MR. PROUDMAN picked a winner . . Way back in 1932 a Leyland Badger caught the eye of owner-driver Mr. W. Proudman of...
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arc at present en route frorn,Englarid to the, town of El Aiurt, in the Spanish Sahara, the vehicles having been shipped , to...
W ELWYN Parish Council is trying to bring nation-wide public opinion to bear on what it terms the "inadequate country bus...
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C L AIMED to be the first vehicle of its type to be produced in quantity, the Caterette mobile canteen has been announced by...
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A STAFFORDSHIRE haulage concern was fined £260 at Stone last week after leading guilty to 52 charges concerning the use of a...
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Hanlon Speaks Out On Transport Tribunal TH E Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, feels that the Transport...
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THE law states that a commercial vehicle must carry at least two rear view I mirrors. The choice of different types available...
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Lower Friction, Reduced Wear and Better Oxidation Stability Claimed for New Oil TN a paper entitled " Lubrication of...
Cooling-system Tester A METHOD of testing pressurized ini.cooling systems and radiator caps is provided by a new piece of...
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Cement Deliveries in Specified Form Are Speeded by the Extensive Use of Demountable. Pressurized-Container and Tipper Bodies on...
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T HE ripple of public interest created by the release last month of a study on transport by the Association of British Chambers...
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Absence of British Heavy-vehicle Exhibits at 41st Brussels Motor Show : Leyland Group Vehicles to be Displayed, However, and...
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THE efficient distribution of repeat selling goods in a highly competitive field is one of the major problems of marketing. In...
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A CCOMMODATION - , or 50 coaches ra is provided by the new garage and workshops brought into use by . Greenstades — fours,...
'THE Covent Garden Market area I originally occupied three acres, but now it has spread in unsuitable premises to 38 acres,...
f't A BONUS scheme for drivers and conductors has been proposed by Derby Corporation Transport Committee. It provides for the...
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AAUCH has been written recently on the bill-climbing I" abilities of six-wheel conversions and heavy commercial vehicles. Mr....
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THE applications to convert vehicles on contract A licences to A or B licence continue. In the North, J. R. Henderson,...
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Entry Into Road Transport Engineering is Examined by M. Hodd, a Recent Entrant Into Technical Journalism THING exists to stop...
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New Comparative Costs L AST week I gave comparative costs of a 7and 7+-ton rigid, together with the six-wheeled conversion of...
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1 -1 A COMPACT power-steering unit is shown in patent No. 854,894 (Clayton Dewandre, Titanic Works, Lincoln). The layout...