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This controversy gives evidence of developing more into its legitimate sphere as a question of where we shall have tramways and...
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Nine thousand copies of." No. 17 " were supplied to newsagents and issued by mail. We still await .any information from the...
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At the last meeting of the committee of the Motor Van and Wagon Users' Association, held at i to, Piccadilly, London, W., there...
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Clarkson, Limited, of Cheimsford, has just delivered a Chelmsford double-deck steam bus for service between Nantwith and Crewe,...
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A considerable amount of sensation has been caused during the past few months by the announcement that electric tram cars are...
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The fifteen pages of matter and illustrations which appeared in our laSt number as a special motor omnibus section have...
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(Continued from page 345.) By H. Howard Humphreys, M.Inst.Mech.E., A./v1.Inst.C.E. Specially written for "The Commercial...
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The latest production to come under our notice emanates from the well-known house in Conduit Street, and bears the impress of...
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The third international electric tramway and railway exhibition at the Agricultural Hall closes to-morrow (Friday) night. A...
Conducted by EDMUND DANGEREIELD. Editor: E SHRAPNELL SMITH. Manager ; ERNEST PERM AN. Rosebery Avenue. London. E.C. °I " ces...
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In a previous number of this paper, under the title of " Wheel Inventiveness," there appeared a history of the motor wagon...
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Wagon Repairs. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir,—Referring to the letter signed "Stand By" in the issue of June 29th,...
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No. 13,101 : dated June roth, iy04.—F. N. Baker, of Messrs. Cammell, Laird and Co., Coventry.—This specification describes worm...