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Contemporaneously with our work to contribute to the success of this Coronation year's good-driving examinations and parade,...
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A luncheon was given by the Commercial Motor Users Association, on Friday last, in the Terrace Room of the R.A.C., Pall Mall,...
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That the C.M.U,A. 1912 Parade scheme will give snore than usual satisfaction. Of sustained demand for further copies on art...
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For a considerable time past the Renault factory has been engaged in the construction and testing of two new trucks to carry...
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Mr. Maginnis, of the Australian Motorcab Co., is at present in London. Buenos Aires is to have a fleet of 500 Unics, and a...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. The West Kent and Bromley Omnibus Co., Ltd., of which we...
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The value of the Morris motor fire-engine owned by the Belfast Fire Brigade was shown by the speed with which it was able to...
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This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by...
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in spite of all that is said to the contrary, be considerable, because, during the last few days, I caught sight of an...
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Most of our readers will be quite familiar with the unique form of tire which is known as the " K.T." Some six months ago, a...
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Although held in the . heart of the "intensive culture" district, last week's agricultural motor exhibition atMelun, near...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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An Auto-carrier Wanted. [1534] " Scikumfe" writes :—" I am wishful of purchasing a new motor carrier, which has just come on...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...