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I N THE INTERESTS of Empire trade, we feel it incumbent upon us to draw • attention to the in, evitable consequences of the new...
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Of Albions in the devastated regions. That a greaser out of sight is out of mind. That insufficient lubrication is the root...
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." The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all dieioultieNof transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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tcrrHE MOTOR MANUAL" is cer tainly the most pppular handbook on the motor vehicle yet produced. Since it was first published...
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Extracts from, Speeches Made at the Liverpool Meeting of M.T.E.F. I T is a strange feet that whilst many employers are adepts...
The Experience of the Corporation Tramways Department D ETALLS Of a double-decker trackleeS trolley . .vehiele,. with covered...
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• LORRY TRIP. A Leyland Makes the First Transo An Interesting 'rip from Sydney to Melbourne. the Journey. 0 WINGTO the...
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The Attitude of the Men's Representatives at the Nottingham National Conference. M AVTERS of far reaching importance in...
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An Arrival from America Produced in Two Models of the Same Capacities. One Having Worm Gear Final Drive and the other Internal...
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Copper Throwing from Chars-a-bancs. A Crisis in Prices. p UBLIC ATTENTION is - being very thoroughly and systematically drawn,...
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Matters of Topical Interest to Proprietors of Motor Coaches. Touring in Derbyshire. A Bird's-eye View of Passenger Services...
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Details of a Big Liverpool Scheme to Secure the Utmost Advantage From Co-operation of Transport. T HE NEWEST Of the Liverpool...
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The Editor invites correspondence on, all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one of.the...
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By " Vectis." I T IS VERY unfortunate that. so many of the attempts to keep, or to chronicle, records which might give...
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Experiences of Firm Owning Twenty-two Vehicles and who Specialize in Tours and Furniture Removals. rr HE road transport fleet...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Mqtors, or Contemplating So Doing. O NE OF THE...
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The Value of the Tractor. Progres in Cultivating Implements. More Experienced Labour Available. T HERE ARE MANY services in...
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TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter SHILLINGS to the sender of the one which we select as published. Mention your...
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A 'Résumé of Recently Published Patents. The principal subject of this week's article is a most unusual one. Generally we deal...