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A FURTHER restriction, and one of considerable importance, is to be imposed upon the commercialvehicle industry. This is...
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Traffic Lights Which AANY and bitter have been Cause Delays to "Ithe complaints against the Vehicles eccentricities of certain...
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The sound of the tractor in every, country lane, That you may buy as much coal and coke as you like—if you can get it. • Of a...
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NEW.VEHICLE SALES TO BE CONTROLLED S OME three weeks ago the Nlinistry of Transport circulated to the appropriate...
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T HOSE industries which use iron and steel, or the equipment of which involves the use of machinery, have been approached by...
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S PEAKING on " Road Transport in War-time,' at the Nottingham Rotary Club' on July .8, Mr. Gaston Vincent, Public Relations...
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In Parliament ARMY LORRY REPAIRS BY GARAGES s I N the House of Commons, Mr. Cocks asked whether any of the work of repairing...
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I N last week's article, entitled 'Achieving Stabilized Rates for Coal Haulage " it was pointed out that sales are divided into...
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T HE Victoria Garage has been built by London Transport because of the increasing need for garaging and servicing facilities,...
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S.T.R.'s REVIEt , OF METROPOLITAN HAULAGE RATES CRITICIZED U NDOUBTEDLY S.T.R. 's last two lines on page 477 of your issue...
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I HAVE already shown that, in establishment costs alone, there may be such a divergence, as between a haulier stationed in...
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H.S.G. Gas Plants C ONVERTED to run on home-produced solid fuel by pioneers of producer gas for road transport, the Leyland...
" A LMOST anyone can use an electric welding plant for the first time and make some kind of joint—but it is extremely unlikely...
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A FEW months ago a new company was formed in this country to handle the American-built F.W.D. vehicles, earth-boring equipment,...
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The First Double-saloon Trolleybuses to Serve a Popular South Coast Resort are Excellent Examples of the Products of Leading...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT BUSMEN GET MORE WAGES ilORE than 150,000 provincial bus IV/ drivers and conductors will get a 3s. a week...
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T HE modern tendency to conceal most of the " works" behind bodywork leads to difficulty in obtaining access to nany parts,...