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D ISQUIETING reports on conditions in some sections of the road haulage industry are in circulation. In the north it is said...
Trouble at the Borough Boundary A PROBLEM associated with the growth of towns having a municipal bus service is to decide who...
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That the air pollution most often encountered in traffic jams is more conducive to high blood pressure than lung trouble. That...
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A FTER a lapse of nearly three years, the Ministry of Transport has made a second attempt at redrafting the Public Service...
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MR. STANLEY S. DAWES has been elected president of the Institute of the Motor Industry for a tenth term. MR. M. A. DOWNS,...
P UBLICITY given to London Air ]. port had resulted in a " great demand" from people wanting to go there, the East Midland...
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THE Judicial Committee of the Privy A Council on Tuesday upheld judgtents of the High Court of Australia , hich held invalid an...
XTENSIVE modem garage premises -■ built near Newbridge by Road arvices (Caledonian), Ltd., Dumies, a company formed by the...
E ARLY this week, the London 1—i District of British Road Services completed a highly concentrated movement involving the...
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" I AM satisfied that the existing 'vehicles have been used most intensively, to such, an extent that their maintenance must...
A N application by Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., and joint operators for increases in ordinary and workers' return fares...
C AN an application for an addit vehicle be based on the gr of difficulty in withdrawing exi vehicles for maintenance? This...
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in Lancashire N EW depots at Liverpool and Warrington were opened by British Road Services last Saturday. Nightly services...
ability of workers from Midland car factories, Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, have been recruiting labour from among...
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A SYSTEM of maintenance based on time and mileage has been introduced by Liverpool Passenger Transport Department. The chassis...
A LTHOUGH they had only a lorry ".and a van, the Moxey Transporter and Conveyor Co., Ltd., 13 Augustus Road, Birmingham, 15,...
F ORTY Leyland Tiger 34-se vertical-engined buses of the Ills' Transport Authority which have be operated for seven years have...
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T HE few positive measures of road improvement undertaken in recent years were inadequate to meet the ever-growing needs of...
'THE clause in the Road Traffic Bill, I enabling local councils to ban loading and unloading for up to six hours a day without...
"W E have had a hard fight to maintain our hold on our traditional markets, although in this struggle we have had much support...
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in the Midlands? By P. A. C. Brockington, Some Say "Yes" and Others Say. "No," but Many Hauliers Wish for Closer Contact with...
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represented the 're-establishment of the former transport arrangement which operated from 1945 to 1949, when many of the member...
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f the _. 7 1-• , STRON OUNTRY .11.1alreuers Thirty-nine Lorries Serve 520 Associated Houses and Other Establishments in...
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Leading Members of the Steel Industry Testify to the Benefits of Using Road Vehicles for Internal and Outside Work H OW road...
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Obstinate Preference I N an official document such as their report and accounts for 1955, the British Transport Commission...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. Daimler Bus with Twiflex . Centrifugal Clutch Shows Economy under Varying Operating Conditions ;...
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Up to Date Latest Figures for Oiland Petrolengined Goods Vehicles and Oilengined Buses and Coaches A COMPLETE revision of " '...
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to tender for a transport unit in list IS, which will be the last to be issued by the Road Haulage Disposal Board. List 15...
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Many Operators , Regard Contract-A Licence Work As a Stepping-stone to Possession of an Ordinary A or B Licence: Points to...
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D URING the past two years. the vehicle inspection section at the Farnborough Test House of the Inspectorate of Fighting...
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PI A CHASSIS intended primarily for bus work comes in patent No. 746,169 (Daimler-Benz A.G., Stuttgart Unterttirkheim,...