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I F the new Transport Bill follows the lines laid -down in the White Paper as far as the disposal of the vehicles now operated...
The Future Position of Steel P ROBLEMS likely to face the'steel industry in the future have been studied by the United Nations...
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M ATTERS of principle arose in a case before the Transport Arbitration Tribunal this week. Mr. E. E. Burton was contesting the...
L ABOUR had only started to bring some order to the road transport chaos and now the Tories wete trying to dis-coordinate it,...
I T is understood that discussions are continuing between the Minister of Transport and the Road Haulage , Association on the...
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THAT the steady erosion of the 1 resources of industry threatens the future of employment and the living standards of this...
T HE potential market in India, Pakistan and Ceylon for high-grade British passenger and goods vehicles was "enormous,"...
H OW responsible Ministers of any 1 Government can imagine that our industry with its finely adjusted balance between revenue...
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not have many representatives in the Queen's Birthday Honours and some of the names which we give are only indirectly connected...
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I AM convinced that there is no form a capital investment which can produce better returns more quickly than money invested in...
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vir/HOLESALE distributors of petro VV and petroleum products are no longer required to hold .a licence from the Ministry of...
A PROPOSAL that private enterprise rIbe given an opportunity to build .roads was made by Mr. Rees Jeffreys, chairman of the...
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A NEW side-loading refuse collector, a Paxit Major, with -mechanical loading and an attachment for handling large-capacity...
A LREADY operating a 2d. minimum single fare and requiring another 1500,000 a year to meet increased costs, Birmingham...
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T O meet the current need for a small, manoeuvrable and economical vehicle seating 14-25 passengers,. Duple: Motor Bodies, Ltd„...
F ROM 6 a.m. on June 23 until 10 pro, on July 8, the Newton Abbot-Bovey Tracey road (A.382) will be closed to through traffic...
WHEN Eaton ways, Ltd., appealed W against the West Midland Licensing Authority's refusal to grant a licence to run an express...
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By Ashley Taylor, A. M.1.R.T.E. A N example of the effects of large-scale organization in road transport, such as...
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Three Papers Read Yesterday Deal With Progress in Refuse-vehicle Design, Methods of Collection and the Use of Mechanical Aids...
" N O post-war type of vehicle has so far emerged which, because of first cost, simplicity of construction, performance or...
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TN his paper, Mr. A. E Barton ampli1 fled the observations of Mr. Turner about the designs of new housing estates. In contrast...
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wide. A feature of the Mann Egerton construction is that the seat structure is built up complete on an angle-iron framework...
A MONG the machines being used for fatigue testing proprietary components in the research division of Leyland Motors, Ltd., is...
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jp ULLING a loaded 15-ton trailer across Long Valley was child's play to the Scammell Explorer ,--. ,until it encountered a...
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A T the opening luncheon of the Mechanical Handling Exhibition at Olympia, last week, Sir Walter Monckton, Minister of Labour,...
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Descriptions of the Jones 6-ton Crane, Weatherill Shovel, Angel Mighty Midget Tractor and Nash Skip Truck on View at the...
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L L the transport experts have spluttered at the idea of the Prime Minister, who is not usually con sidered to be one of their...
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In this Article, the Third of a Series Giving Advice to a Newcomer, "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Describes How to Deal...
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A IR is used as the resilient medium in a suspension unit shown in patent No. 670,044 1y R. Clerk, Tadcaster Court, Clarence...