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C OMPARISONS of roadtransport problems in Britain and America have been made in our columns on several occasions. We have, for...
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Facili ta te Traffic being conducted in a form of Control traffic control which is some what novel. It consists a dividing...
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Of a new step—the dug-out crawl. That a soft tyre does not turn away wrath. That for rigid economy tyres should be kept at...
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T HE following recommendations to drivers of both goods and passenger vehicles have been circulated by Mr. John Hopkins,...
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Wages O PPOSING the latest application for an increase in the wages of road haulage workers employed by A and B licence...
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Glasgow, in a circular letter addressed to commercial-vehicle operators in his district, states that a Bureau of Information...
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APPRECIATION OF OUR EFFORTS FOR THE INDUSTRY pLEASE allow me to congratulate you on the publicity you are giving to...
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How Coaches and Components, Ltd., has Adapted its Organization to Meet Operators' Emergency. Requirements R EPUTATIONS of the...
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Dyson Detachable-axle Lowloading 50-60-tonner for Use with Interchangeable Tractive Units nNE of the foremost among hauliers...
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An Outline of the Splendid Work Being Undertaken by the British Volunteer Ambulance Corps C OMPASSION for the sick and .... ,...
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OW long will it be before we tear up the railway lines and th(,. obsolescence of the railways is uni versally accepted? 1950?...
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M OST of those engineers who are not in the Services are concentrating their full energies upon production to meet war...
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EIRE PASSENGER-TRAFFIC INCREASES J ULY statistics for bus .services in Dublin show that there. was an increase of 1,813,0(10...
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Tyre Equipment on Light Vans Our Contributor Outlines Some of the Chief Factors of Tyre Use Peculiar to Small Vehicles and...
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I NTENDED primarily for aircraft, a design of oil-burning engine shown in patent No. 524,092 is an attempt to reduce the weight...