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'companies in addressing to the Area Traffic Commissioners formal objections to In motor-coach services which compete with...
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at an altitude of 8,000 ft. Concerns asked to tender for it had to turn down the proposition on account of the tech nical...
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Of more new light chassis to come. That the " live " agent's motto is "where there's life there's scope." That, in Maceio,...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
S OME of the leading hauliers and merchant hauliers engaged in the transport of sand, ballast, etc., called a meeting on April...
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I N the garage and workshop there are many uses for small stationary engines ; air compressors, lifts, paintspraying plants and...
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A. memorandum relating to the London Passenger Transport Bill has recently been addressed to debenture stockholders and...
A FO RTNIGHT ago we announced that Crossley Motors, Ltd, Gorton, Manchester, is making a high-speed oil engine ; now we are...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Compensation Under the London Transport Bill. B EFORE Parliament...
A NEW ON of mechanical shoveling just been introducedthy the Chaseside Motor Co., Ltd., of Cambridge Road, Erifield,;,...
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BRITAIN LARGEST STEAMER The Unique Sentinel D.G.8 Proves Its Power, Economy and 1VIanceuvrability. A Machine Well Suited to...
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The Beardmore Fourcylindered Power Unit Which Attains 1,800 r.p.m. and Develops 60 b.h.p. NTO fewer than 10 years of practical...
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By H. Scott Hall, N • OT all the railway companies are so frank and so outspoken as is the London, Midland and Scottish...
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LUGGAGE DISPOSAL L UGGAGE which is carried inside the coach, or below the floor, has the advantage that less labour is...
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I Na paper by Mr. William Oldham, which was read at the March meeting of the Industrial Transport Association (Birmingham...
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Some Notes Made During a Tour of the Wellequipped Premises of The Harris Plating Works, Ltd. T HERE is far more in chromium...
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A.E.C. ACTIVITIES The A.E.C. Renown Bus Chassis Now Offered in Two Types. Reasons Why a Third Differential is Employed. A...
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i1 - UCH of the beat work done in con.1.11_nection with the maintenance and repair of commercial vehicles is carried out by...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3377] Sir,—The Minister of Transport has overlooked one form of competition in his great...
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of Passenger Transport THE RAILWAYS' ATTACK UPON LONG-DISTANCE COACH SERVICES What the Independent Coaching Interests are...
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The London Terminal and Central London Coach Stations Join Forces I N our issue dated February 24th we gave all the latest...
The Possibilities of Railless Traction Discussed in Connection With an Abandoned Tram Service A T a recent transport-committee...
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Matters That Call for Atten tion when Vehicle Owners are Compiling Their Programmes of Tours " W HICH tours, those which occupy...
indicator has recently been introduced by Blue Bus Services, Ltd., of Willington Garage, Willington, Derbyshire. Various...
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in 2 Years An Examination of the Coaching Activities of the Merseyside Touring Co., Ltd.,Shows Remark able Growth I N the...
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A DEMONSTRATION of the Pettis...L - 1 son tractor-truck, operating a Ransorues triple-cutter and a moledrainer, was recently...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I SUPPOSE only a minority of the readers of this page will have read the text of the London Passenger...
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Ignition Control p ATENT No. 344,133, by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and Owen W. J'. Watson, describes a device for...