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B RITISH manufacturers, as a whole, seem to have done reasonably good business as a result of exhibiting at the recent...
R.A.C. Services to A CONSIDERABLE exten Associate Members sion of the services Extended . rendered to associate members of the...
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That the R.H.E. has the odd spot in Belfast. That the Government quota for overseas may leave the industry all at sea. Of...
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I T is understood that Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, will be adding a light four-wheel-drive model to its existing range of...
rONFUSION continues to arise in the road haulage industry because of the inter-action . of the Road and Rail Traffic Act and...
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T HE difficulties associated with the preparation of short-distance rates schedules were emphasized, last week, by Mr. W. A....
A LTHOUGH, during the past year, PA Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., carried 3.000,000 more passengers than in the...
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MR. R. N. WILLIAMS has been appointed a director of Red and White United Transport, Ltd. MR. W. A. ROY, B.Sc., has succeeded...
Ai REPORT of discussions between municipal passenger transport undertakings and the trade unions concerned, on the question of...
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A REPORT by a concern of manage ment and ecis accountants recommends that control of Pretoria's municipal bus system should be...
N response to questions in the House of Commons, before the Easter recess, the Minister of Transport said that he thought that...
S HORTLY due to leave on the first of a series of tours to Denmark, a. new coach for Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., based on an...
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/TODERN highways to deal efficiently Pawith increasing industrial demands are being planned for several Western European...
The Automobile Association now has 900,000 members. Six Sunderland ambulances are to be fitted with two-way radio. A...
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How a Ford Pilot Pick-Up Overcame Adverse Conditions on a Run Embracing a Famous Trials Route By Alfred Woolf, B.A. P URELY...
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attempt to badger the Government into ending fuel rationing for commercial vehicles. Mr. F. J. Erroll, M.P. for Altrincham and...
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for the Sick By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. T HE Daimler am ulance has been designed in c llabOration with medical an municipal...
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T HE outcry against the proposed increases in London fares has been widespread, but it is ironic that whilst such ardent...
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The Careful Storage and Dispensing of Oil Fuel are Safeguards Against Premature Failure of Injection Equipment W HILST the oil...
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in the North of Scotland, and C. W. Robertson and Co., of Inverness, who run five Albion 5-toriners normally used as cattle...
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By M. D. Whitworth S INCE I was released from the Forces I have been racing motorcycles at home and abroad, and taking all my...
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O NCE you were good enough to grant me space in which to air my opinions concerning clutch-release bearing mechanism. - I...
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Running Cost D EPRECIATION, considered as an operating cost, is a difficult subject at the present time, because it is ....
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P A . 1 ENT No. 634,024 comes from C.A.V., Ltd., and W. Nicol's, both of Warple Way, 'London, and discloses a design for a...