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W HEN the Construction and Use (Amendment) Regulations come into effect next Friday the 100-plus passenger double-deck bus will...
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BY H. BRIAN COTTEE ONDO'N (King's Cross) to Newcastle and Edinburgh is the route chosen for the . 11 -4 first commercial...
DECAUSE it has been found imprac ticable for round timber carriers to meet a requirement of the Road Vehicles Lighting...
T HE West German authorities are adopting a much stricter attitude towards haulage operations carried out by foreign carriers...
N EW and stringent measures to prevent fly-tipping of rubbish, especially from demolition sites, have been proposed by London...
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)f the person to whom the carrier's icence has been granted should appear 3rominently on every vehicle. No 'eputable haulier...
TIPP ER operators who have been pr wed to have committed or caused n be ommitted offences concerning the mauth prized dumping...
A NOTHER co-operaCve group, primarily for tippers, has _been set up. The latest is Leicestershire Hauliers Ltd., in which 23...
the 1 . Road Haulage Association has published a directory includ:ng details of the districts served .by members and of special...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT L ABOUR plans for transport if the 1 .-i party wins the General Election will get their last...
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N INE people were killed and 66 injured in 70 accidents involving petroleum spirits or mixtures in 1963. The number of...
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ONSWAY COACHES LTD., Hemel IA Hempstead, recently took delivery of three new 51-passenger Thames Marauder luxury coaches,...
M EANS of encouraging the use of public transport in the Manchester area come under close study in a report entitled "Rapid...
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of the 100-passenger, or larger, double-decker bus is almost upon us. This is probably the most significant fact, so far as bus...
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C ONVERTIBLE seats which start life as coach seats, and can later be modified into normal stage bus seats without any need for...
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C HA1RMAN of The City of Oxford Motor Services Ltd., Mr. W. M. Dravers, has welcomed the fact that Oxford City Council shared...
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A N application by 14 tipper operators to license 18 tippers to work out of a building site at Camberwell; London— which arose...
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/ N CONTRAST to its House of Fraser judgment (reviewed in "Licensing Case book" on July 31) in which the Scottish Court of...
THERE can be no doubt that the I. Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, exercised his discretion and...
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I AST month, during the marathon appeals by Tees-side long-steel hauliers before the Transport Tribunal, both sides spoke out...
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L -1 A LARGE-SCALE road-safety trial of is new dimmed-headlamp system developed by the Road Research Laboratory is planned by...
Ltd. has received orders totalling 140 vehicles from South Africa and Australia during the past week. The Australian orders...
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T HE University of London's extension courses in transport studies have been extended. The University extension certificate in...
4' LARGE articulated mobile radiography unit has just been built by Martin Walter Ltd. for the South East Metropolitan Regional...
(Left) The Firestone singles on the E.R.F. 100-barrel tanker rear bogie. A LIGHTWEIGHT E.R.F. eightI -1 wheeled tanker which...
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of Transport has accepted a tender of £608,005 for the construction of the first section of the Hereford City north-south...
Stopping a Diesel Engine O F the various controls on the diesel vehicle, the " stop " control may come last on the list when...
THIS week's prize-winner is Mr. L 1 Tuxford. of Derby. He says that when the near - side panel is removed from the engine cover...
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and Publications Latest Bosch Foglamp T HE latest foglamp available from Bosch Ltd. is the Crusader, an enlarged version of...
BUT/100 protective coating for aluminium_ is being marketed by Swale Chemicals Ltd. BUT/100 is a one-coat butyrate resin...
on the beadbreaker made by this concern. The price of the beadbreaker has now been reduced to £.10 15s. The Roadall hand tool...
Precision Instruments Ltd. This J.P.H. jack is precisionnachined and weighs 16-5 lb. All parts are readily replaceable. Closed...
in the commercial vehicle and engineering fields is being marketed by a new company, Jack Emmett Ltd. The additive, called...
Ltd. is a circular silencer clip which gives a gas-proof joint with one-spanner application. The square shank bolt and the clip...
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NINNERS I N motor vehicle manufacture, what is our position in Europe? What will our position be 10 years hence? To answer...
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New I.T.A. Branch There is a move afoot to reconstitute an Edinburgh Division of the Industrial Transport Association. Prior to...
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F LEXING their muscles in advance of the General Election campaign Koper, some of the prospective candidates may be tempted to...
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O VER the past 10 years or so there has been a slow but steady increase in the use of exhaust brakes by British vehicle...
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By G. A. Pearson MANCHESTER HAULIERS AND LINER TRAINS " I OOK across there; that's Yorkshire" 1 .-4 was the opening remark of...
DOCK WORK AND TRUNKING IVIOVING house and business was the Peldouble headache of the man charged with conducting the affairs...
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PLUG INTO THIS AM surprised that plug-in facilities 1 for refrigerated vehicles are not advertised ". sa.,s Mr. W. R. Peel,...
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KEEPING THEM HAPPY "We all go to him with our moans and he keeps us happy ", it was said of pleasant Mr, W. Dixon, who holds...
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BETTER THAN CANUTE ? r I NCE upon . a time the barges floated along the canal and discharged raw cotton into a warehouse in...
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T HE rapid development of road transport during the past 50 years has been increasingly highlighted in recent official reports....
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Coupling-Up Semis I WAS interested to read your comments of "the dropped I semi-trailer" by Handyman in your issue of July...