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DROBABLY the most valuable compilation ever prepared for circulation in the commercial motor industry is The Commercial Motor...
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Of a boom in orders for trailers. Anew of the deruralizing of England. Of searches for new outlets for steam. That not every...
Garage hand (on returning from errand), to lady cashier: "Please, miss, let me have me tram fare." "Where's your ticket,...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Conversions from Tramways to Bus Systems. One-way Traffic Control and the Incidence of Accidents. The Freeing of Tolls. By...
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A Survey of the Reasons which Lead to the Prevailing Demand for a Very Cheap Chassis. By Our Bombay Correspondent. B RITISH...
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Some of the Leading Makes Exemplified at the Recent Smithfield Show, Including the Latest Overtype Clayton Wagon. TEAM...
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The New Motor Act and a Few of its Provisions Applying to Public Motor Vehicles. By Ulsterman. N OW that the Motor Traffic...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 466.—A Coil Box Repair....
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The Why and the Wherefore of the Tat Their Compilation. How to Use Then he Methods and Principles Underlying 3rder to...
PROBLEMS SOLVED by' TABLES OF ( M MAKING haulage and conveyance a profil ciples upon which these tables are base An owner, by...
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T HE conditions which have a bearing on the operation of motor vehicles in municipal service in this country have their...
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A Design by the Metropolitan Asylums Board, which, in the Chassis Layout and Body Arrangement, Incorporates Features Dictated...
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The Tynemouth Electric Traction Co., Ltd., an undertaking which, in the course of the past few years, has opened out a number...
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Belgian, French and Italian Manufacturers Show Interesting Vehicles. A New 8-cylindered 6-wheeled Bus Chassis. rn I I1 7 ....
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T HE Royal Commission, with Lord Lee of Fareham as its chairman, appointed in July last to consider the requirements of London...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. BRADFORD'S TRANSPORT BILL. The Proposals of the City Council...
O NE of the most recent bus bodies to be produced in the works of Messrs. Stmt . :hen and Brown, Wales Farm Road, London, W.3,...
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How the Market Stands at the Present Time and the Difficulties Which Exist. A LTHOUGH motorbus transportation had its...
An Extension of a Scheme under which Local Authorities take Joint Action. A FURTHER extension of the it scheme for the...
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Useful Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Obviating Backfires. MBERE are many instances of drivers and...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. 1/rAURICE FRED EDWARDS, in specification No. 1V1260,775, describes a...