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T HE intense virility, unbounded enthusiasm and hard work of the road-transport industry as a whole have enabled it to continue...
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W E have, on previous occasions, stressed the need for care in loading goods vehicles. Apart from the risk of infringing the...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carnage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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Newcastle Corporation is recommended to purchase 30 trolleybuses. The transport committee of Rotherham Corporation has...
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W HTLST the trade in commercial vehicles for passengers and goods is at present fairly active in this country, the increasing...
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IMPROVED prospects for the sale of I British commercial vehicles in Poland are anticipated. Despite its 33,000,000 inhabitants,...
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is doubtful whether a casual observer would be impressed by an .nspection,. for the purpose of making a comparison, of an...
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Its Position and Prospects T HE export figures for commercial vehicles, chassis and tractors for the ten months ended October...
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for ROAD TRANSPORT A S we set ourselves to the task of commenting upon some of the figures in the accompanying tables, an...
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LORD NUFFIELD, Governing Director, Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd. S OMETIMES I have been called an incurable optimist. Whether...
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O N Wednesday, a King's Bench Divisional Court made absolute, with costs, a rule nisi obtained by the Great Western Railway Co....
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fiOST of the applications of the 1V1London and North Eastern Railway Co. for " A" licences for vehicles of an aggregate unladen...
T HE Ministry of Transport monthly return, giving particulars of the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time...
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, years ago the writer inspected the fi rst oil-engined bus . for public service in this country, and took the wheel for a time...
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Helpful Advice Given by Mr. E. F. Packer, Clerk to the Western Licensing Authority S OME valuable advice to goodstransport...
- Flours, Wages and Conditions of Employment Settled • A N agreement has now been reached between the employers' and...
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affairs across the Channel offers an object lesson as to the man tier in which al important and rapidly expanding inZustry may...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT? I N considering the future of road passenger transport, there is a tendency to view it entirely from the...
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A S was announced in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, Mr. C. H. Bressey, C.B., C.B.E., has been appointed by the...
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in Parliament RAIL PROPAGANDA AGAINST ROADS: 11.1 the House of Commons, trade'union representatives of the railways are laying...
T HE annual dinner and dance of the Automobile Engineering Training College and College of Aeronautical Engineering, Chelsea,...
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TS for Road Transport IN GERMANY Difficulties in Reorganizing the Industry. Rail Monopoly Plan Abandoned. Striking Development...
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A LARGE number of Class C licence holders is prepared to observe wages and working conditions in connection with their...
T HE banquet of the National Road Transport Conference was held at Harrogate on December 5, with the president of the...
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W/IDESPREAD interest is likely to 11' be aroused in Canadian road-transport circles by the delivery, this month, • to the...
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Delegates from all the Important Road Transport Associations Discuss Problems of Immediate and Vital Concern to the Industry...
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ROAD TRANSPORT ir SOUTH AFRICA • T HE peculiar economic conditions governing the general development of commerce in the...