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W E were recently talking to a road-transport engineer who is responsible for one of the biggest fleets in the country, when...
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Of more "Crippfic" remarks. Of many inquiries for new furniture-removal vans. That the inaugural function of the Transport...
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LICENCE DUTY ALTERATIONS IN NEW FINANCE BILL T HE Finance Bill ,ri.ow passing through the House of Commons, ⢠after it has...
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by the In. National Road Transport Federation at the Savoy Hotel on December 4, and to which reference is made in our leading...
MR. H. W. DOWNIE has been appointed traffic superintendent to Warrington Corporation. MR. A. A. JACKSON, transport manager to...
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of all passenger transport services, and the establishment of boards to operate them, figured in a nationalizatibn plan,...
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FIGHT J WONDER if the motor industry realizes fullythe danger to itself if road transport be nationalized. Every manufacturer,...
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Considerable Progress in Fluorescent Lightin Ltd., in Co-operation with Siemens Death Systems Applicable ilic-service Vehicles,...
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Mr. J , . A. Dunnage Proffers Some Advice for Defenders of Road Transport's Independence A LTHOUGH I gladly co-operated r - 'at...
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Extracts from a Lecture Given by Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., A4.1nst.T., Before the Institute of Transport T HE first...
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Keeping Track of Fuel and Oil Costs Alternative Methods of Keeping Records of Fuel and Lubricating Oil Issued to Vehicles: the...
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' IT must be remembered that, under a State monopoly, I. the trader would no longer have the right to choose the form of...
NEW COMPANIES 3. E. Read (Haulage), Ltd.âPrivate company. Reg. November 30. CRP. £26,000 .iti £1 shares. To acquire the...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published. T O control the mixture strength during cold starting...