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C OME 18 months ago The Commercial Motor suggested that the post-war era of "Stale versus private ownership" in transport was...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE transport committee of the 1 European Parliament (the " House of Commons" of the European...
T HE West German Government's recent threat of discriminatory action against British C-licensed operators travelling through or...
WHILE considering the recent suggesI r y tions of the Common Market Commission on road goods vehicle weight and measurement...
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announcement, • in answer to a question in the Commons last week, that he was preparing to make regulations under which...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT E UROPEAN Ministers of Transport. LA following' their recent conference in. Paris, are taking...
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A NEW transport and storage depot at Salfords. in Surrey, has been opened by Hoz-ley Services Ltd., a subsidiary of L. V. May...
Higher Tyre Prices I N the first increases for nearly three years, Dunlop and ImEa tyre pr:ces were raised by 3 per cent this...
stock range are features of a nation-wide service which has been established - by Alcan Industries Ltd. The service, said to be...
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QUGGESTIONS that the Minister of ■ --) Transport was keeping all his traffic control powers under the London Government Bill...
Authority, . Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, at Penrith, on Tuesday. . In •the first: William Dockeray, farlisle was granted a short-term...
A Nappeal by a Liverpool haulage firm. Jones Transport Services Ltd., whose business is based at Widnes, - opened before the...
Transport Ltd., of Ipswich, for a B variation to enable the company to acquire seven tippers and one trailer, was opposed on...
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A N application to transfer nine vehicles from Contract A to A licence was withdrawn at Sheffield last week, followng the...
11 , 1 a reserved decision, the West Midland 1 deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. R. Hall, has refused the application of H. J....
from the north .o England to Spain via Dover or Lydd, Florence Motors Ltd. applied at Manchester on MonIday for them to be...
UTEMBER firms of the South StaffordNI shire Gravel Association, who on Vlonday were given approval for their scooted traffic...
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A N important fact which had emerged was that insufficient tanker capacity existed on Merseyside, stated Mr. E. S. Fay, Q.C.,...
'T RAIN delays made Mr. W. P. S. 1 Ormond, Eastern Licensing Authority, an hour late for a hearing at Norwich last week....
L ARGEST application this Week is it the Scottish (Southern) area, when Scotfreight Ltd. seeks 12 artics to carr5 mainly for...
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ITHE Government is to look carefully at its powers for dealing with frauds in connection with the weighing of vehicles, and if...
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QENIOR representatives from the P--) governments of countries in South America were among the guests invited to a preview which...
E DINBURGH Corporation Transport' new Marine Garage at Portobelli opened by the Lord Provost last Friday provides public car...
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T WO aspects of passenger transport which were of especial interest at the present time were the need for more market research...
start on site wbrks in connection with the new 00,000 transport department of Doncaster Corporation which is to be built in...
' OMPARING the costs of operating one-man buses in rural areas and mble-deckers in urban districts at a eeting of The...
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vehicle production totalled 43,560. This figure is a substantial rise on that for August (30,938). This may be partly accounted...
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k LTERNATORS made by The Prestolite Co. of Toledo, U.S.A. 5reviously known as the Electric Auto[onto Co.), for vehicle use are...
A NEW hand pallet truck now availriL able from Omie Ltd., 300 Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C.1, is said to be cheaper in price...
k IR-VANES built into the wheels have "V been tried in the past to induce coolg of the brake drums, but the low rtational...
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By A. J. P. Wilding I N the densest fog, where visibility is down to about three or four yards, little short of radar will...
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TN June, 1912, the first vehicles made by the Associated -I- Equipment Co. Ltd. (the original A.E.C. Ltd.) as a separate...
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N EARLY five years ago I tested a Foden FE.6/24 eight-wheeler equipped with the Foden FD.6 Mk. II 4.09-litre 122.5-b.h.p....
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STRAP DRIVE CLUTCHES AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS GROUP Makers of Borg & Beck clutches, Lockheed brakes and hydraulic equipment...
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Fitted with a demountable four-compartment light-alloy body, a new bulk vehicle is regularly used for two-way docks-farm...
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T HERE is some evidence that the campaign for quicker turn-round is beginning to make an impression. Here and there a transport...
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sheet is described ,here on which and Control depots can record essential data I N this series on November 30 and December 7...