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Recognized in Business and Military Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all forms of Motor Transport. Largest...
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That transport troubles may maw be traced and tackled. Of flying lorry frightfulness. That the new Board will consist of...
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Lancashire. Buses. The Parliamentary Committee of the Lancashire County Council is urging strong opposition to the Morecambe...
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A Seasonable opic. A Problem Still Waiting Effective Solution. By "The Inspector.' T WOULD BE difficult to point to any...
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The Approved Depot of Messrs. Frances Motors, Ltd. T HE CITY OF MAN . CHESTER with the adjoining berough of Salford affords an...
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The United Motor Council. Should Commercial Motor Users Participate ? R EFERENCE HAS been made more than once in the columns...
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Board of Trade Order Governing Issue of Fuel Licences and Permit. . The new order of the Board of Trade dealing with the...
Although more directly identified, as the Editor of "The Autocor," with the pleasure-ear side of motoring than with the...
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The Split Skirt Acts as an Oil Scraper Ring and Gives Other Advantages. The patented piston which is being produced in large...
According to a statement 'publishesl in the Board of Trade Journal for 7th February, the stock of petrol in this country was...
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No. 14.—Overhaul and Repairs. Frame and Water Tank, Wheels, Body, Etc. The most faequent defect in a frame is a cracked or...
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Some Timely Hints and Wrinkles. Ford Car in Gas Industry. Owing to the difficulties of labour and haulage during the winter...
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Details of the Lyon-Spencer Gas Control Valve and Carburetter. A new filling and connecting valve for itse with coal-gas has...
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Government Tractor Performance Wanted. —Another Chain-track Agrimotor. Speaking of Government ploughing, is there any reason...
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The Editor 'invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on on side of...
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1 3 BIZE OF TRY SHILLINGS is awarded each week all others are paid for at the 9-ate of a penny a haw, with an published....
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. Another Chain-track Tractor. Specification No.112,230, by W. G. Trethewey, concerns a chain-track tractor .and malts-furrow...