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is obvious, from complaints which are reachling us, that certain operators of commercial vehicles, including some on passenger...
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Detective . . . containing 10s. in copper. He made a mental picture of the well-dressed suspect. In December, the latter again...
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About a year ago, rumours were current to the effect that a railway company had taken over the business of Garlick, Burrell and...
N O body set up under the Coal Mines Act, 1930, has power to deal with the distribution of coal, or to require hauliers to...
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all di/Fealties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Th o competition to, which the railways had been subjected by -the development of road transport had proved—and would prove—to...
D IRECT action by way of a strike is likely in the North-Western Area, on April 1, if employers do not agree to pay the wages...
E VIDENCE by road-transport users 1.....aas to their increased transport needs was given, in support of an application by I. W....
D U RING a sitting at Leicester, last week, Mr. J. H. Stirk, East Midland Licensing Authority, criticized a ratecutting device...
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The Yorkshire Licensing Authority held an inquiry at Leeds, on Tuesday, to decide whether the number of vehicles which Messrs....
Bradford Watch Committee has reappointed Mu. R. MEratursu, A.M.I.A.E., as examiner of vehicles plying for hire in the city....
C OMMERCIAL vehicles bearing the \-- , name of Garner have achieved an enviable reputation for many years, and are giving...
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At an extraordinary general meeting of Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., held on February 6, the ordinary share capital of the company was...
T HE extent to which carriers should be forced to hire from the pool of general carriers, in order to cope with increases in...
Worthing Corporation 'recommends the purchase of two Dennis refuse collectors. Andover 'roan Council le to purehase.e, 24.on...
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A.R.D. Feb. 17.—Meeting for P.S.V. Operators, Ex change Hotel, Manchester; 7 p.m. ' Feb. 18.—Meetin g of Metropolitan,...
The rates sub-committee of A.R.O. Southern Area has decided to use The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs as a basis...
Objection Blunder : Call for Action
the effect of the flaw in Section 11 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, which, as revealed exclusively by The Commercial Motor,...
H AULIERS who neglect to provide adequate evidence in support of their licence applications were criticized by Mr. D. I,...
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I N future, care would be needed in accepting operators for membership, said Mr. Joseph Wallis, chairman of the North-Eastern...
rIESPITE the fact that intensified LI opposition might be expected from the railways, a brighter future for the haulage...
Next week. 8.T.R. The Commercial Motor costs expert, will make a second lecture tour of Yorkshire, under the auspices of the...
/A A SERIOUS strike of goods-transport employees in the Western area was threatened, last week, by the Transport and General...
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December's Registrations An Analysis of the Latest Official Licensing Returns Brings to Light Some Striking Facts MUTH the...
Brake Design Authoritative Paper by Mr. F. J. Field on Improvements in Shoe Adjustment, Distribution of Braking Force and...
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Single-cylinder Oil-engined Agricultural Machine of 12 h.p. to 20 h.p. Weighing 2 tons 2 cwt. and Exerting a Maximum Draw-bar...
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T is very pleasing to know that The Commercial Motor L is alive to the position created by this Section 11 of the Act, as it is...
PEAKING as one who frequently appears for appli cants (and occasionally for objectors) in a Licensing Authority's court under...
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G REAT credit is, of course, due to A.D.-J. for niaking this discovery, and only shame can rest upon those whose duty it was to...
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Y OUR startling and stimulating article on Section 11 (2) of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, draws attention, and not...
NArR. McKEAG'S description of the 1933 Act as "one 11 ' 1 of the most ill-digested pieces of legislation that has ever reached...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent LORD MOTTISTONE'S BILL REJECTED. T HE House of Lords, last...
FIRST B.C.A. FLIGHT TO SCANDINAVIA. THE inaugural flight of British Con tinental Airways, Ltd., on its service to Malmo,...
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Oil Filtration A Neu) Smith Filter for Power Units ; and an Oil-reclaiming Apparatus, Both of which Incorporate a Specially...
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Steering a Course Between Extravagant Expenditure on Unnecessary Operations and Delaying Maintenance Work Too Long I WAS most...
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How Electro-rnatic Vehkle-actuated Signals are Maintained and the Part Played by Motor Vehicles in the Work of Inspection and...
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A Railway Drug for the Public Conscience The Road-transport Industry, through the Government, Guarantees a Huge Loan to the...
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Ingenious Equipment Greatly Facilitati of 240 Vehicles Run by the York.shi L3oncert-pitch Maintenance of the Fleet 'W oollen...
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F OUR appeals were heard, last week, by the Appeal Tribunal, at York. In one case, the application was referred hack to the...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on an subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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with 650-800 g.p.m. Multi-stage High-pressure Turbine T HE new Dennis fire-engine which the Eastbourne Brigade has recently...
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S EVERAL provisional agreements between London Transport and companies which it has taken over were placed before the London...
R ATEPAYERS of Lytham St. Annes will probably be called upon to decide whether or not their transport undertaking shall be sold...
A PPLICATIONS by the North-West Road Car Co., Ltd., Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., and of their subsidiary,...
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I N the Chancery Division, last week, Mr. Justice Luxmoore decided an action between bus proprietors in the Potteries. It was...
Omnibus Co., Ltd., and its 500 employees have again broken down and the dispute may he referred to the Ministry of Labour or...
I T is reported that the Minister of Transport will receive a deputation (probably. early in March) from Manchester, Salford:...
L AST week, Ribble Motor Services2. Ltd., placed an order for a further 37 Leyland Cheetah chassis, bringing the total to 77 of...
ryIENDKRS are invited by the following (latest dates given in parentheses) Staffordshire' C.C. for tarmacadam, dry slag,...
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A Lecture, Given by the Editor of This Journal, at the Wandsworth Technical Institute, London, S.W.18, on a Subject of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications combustion system shown in patent No. 440,461 is stated to be...